Chapter 41: Halloween

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Hey. I know update is late but it just I had a lot of work to do with my studies and I still have. So this chapter is (late) Halloween special. But I hope you guys will enjoy this. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for all your support and have a nice day/night :)

I didn't felt anything. It wasn't cold or warm. There was no sound. Darkness was all I could see. Until I realized that I was laying on my back
in the chair. It felt like the ones at the dentist. Then I heard like pushing-trolley sound which made me crack my eyes a little. The first thing I saw was a bright light. I closed my eyes again and opened them again few times blinking, trying to adapt to brightness. The light was coming from the lap which was hanging above me. I looked to the left.
"..W-Wha...What's...going on?" I muttered confused. Slowly my eyes got wider. A figure was standing next to me. He took in his hand some sort of medical instrument from a tray that was on a trolley, and the same thing he did with others instruments. Examine them in his gloved hands.
I tried to raise my head but suddenly my both arms and legs were grabbed and pinned down to the chair. Four more figures appeared each of them holding me tightly.
"Wait a second! Wh-what are you doing ?! Let go!" I panicked trying to free myself but they tied me up with the belts. "Who are you people?! Just let me go !"
They just stood there. Five man in white coats. I kept struggling to break free from leather belts that wear restricting me. In these kind of situation you should be calm and try think clearly but I was panicking...and scared. Those man didn't had eyebrows, or eyes, or lips. Faceless. I kept shouting, begged them to let me go.
My attention was caught by a new presence on the right side. I turned my head and saw something that made my heart stop for a moment. I knew that machine. It was in documentary which one time I saw and also in movies.
"P-please don't t-tell me " I gulped " You can't do this! You can't use electroconvulsive therapy! Wait ! No ! Stop it !" Tears gathered in the corner of my eyes. Behind me someone grabbed my head and pinned it down to the chair and secured it with longer belt witch went across my forehead. I still was trying to free myself but it was just a waist of my energy. My heart beat got faster as well as breathing, I could feel pressure in my chest area, tears rolling down my cheeks. All six figures leaned closer to me looking down with there expressionless faces. One of them took electrodes and...

My eyes shot wide open. I looked around just to see I was in my room in the mansion.
'It was just another dream. Stupid psychiatrist. Nice way messing with someone's head. What the hell was that?'
After taking few deep trembling breaths. I rolled on my back and felt a small pain.
"Aaaaaand rolling away" I rolled on my belly. Ayato did bit me a multiple times. But it's not like I can't handle it. My body probably got used to blood lost. But still, it's annoying to pass out and wake up in a bed confused and light headed.
I remembered the scene when he sucked my blood and then realized that I was wearing something different. It was that black hoodie.
"Wake up!"
"Oh dear Lord" I jumped in my bed
"Get ready for school" Reiji hissed.
"Satan, take other but not me" I sat up on my bed and looked at dissatisfied vampire.
"Don't get on my nerves today" he hissed " You haven't completed the task that I gave to you and now oversleeping. Get up quickly, change your cloths and come down the stairs."
"Hmm..." I still was in sleeping mood so my brain processed only 88 % of what he said.
"Now" he grunted with for him unusual tone.
"Okay, okay. Amigo, tranquilizarse" I got out of bed and stretched my arms. "Are you serious ?" I sighed looking at the clock "There's still half of hour left until the time for us to leave" but when I looked back at Reiji, he was gone. "...Wunderbar"
I bend my neck from side to side while walking towards dresser. Took out my uniform and laid it on bed. I took of hoodie over my head and as I folded it I took a glance in the mirror. I turned a little bit so I could see my back marked with hickeys and traces of where he bitten me.
"And they calm the crazy one" he needs to start control himself a little bit. Sure he's a vampire but come on.
I cursed Ayato in my head until I noticed something else in the mirror. My face. Since I got here it got paler but all my life it was this way. But now, when I look at myself closer I see a face that exhausted from torture and sleeplessness, drained and tired. This was the way of my body telling me to slow down, calm down and rest for a bit.
When I was done changing in school uniform I sat down on my bed and immediately had a huge temptation to wrap myself in blanket-cocoon, wait till I turn into a beautiful butterfly and fly away where grass is blue and sky is green. Okay, the last part didn't made any sense but that's what I wish for.
I took a glass which was standing on my nightstand and poured cranberry juice in it. If I wanna survive here I must make sure to have my health and energy.
"...Are you stuck in the mansion full of vampires? Is your blood being sucked by them? Then we have a solution for you. Cranberry juice. It will make your blood stronger and you faint less. Maybe. I don't know I'm not a doctor. But drink cranberry juice and you'll be just fine. They were brought you by Sakamaki Reiji, a new kind of Breaking Bad. Trademark" I took a two big gulps "Damn, I could make a good business in vampire-fans community. Just need to figure out how to convince all the brothers take off their shirts and pose with cranberry juice boxes" I took another gulp and after few seconds I face-palmed myself "Me and my imagination" I smiled letting out a small giggle. This will be stuck in my head for weeks.
I drank one more glass of cranberry juice, took my backpack and walked out the room. All the way I was calming myself down 'Relax. Forget that imagine because if you don't you will start laughing...Oh my Lord, now Teddy is posing for commercial' I snickered. Thank goodness no one was around.
"I still have a lot of time till the car leaves" Dry blood traces were on my neck. Didn't want anyone in school to see them. So I headed to the bathroom like a walking dead who instead of brains wanted bed. But after opening bathroom's door all sleeps were gone just like *finger snap* this.
"Penis ! Oh God !" I immediately turned away placing my hand on my cheeks.
"THE FUCK !?" Subaru yelled. He was in there already. Aaaaand he already took a shower standing still wet in all his glory. Aaaaand he was holding only a towel.
"I'm so sorry I'm...umm" I don't know way but I took a second peek.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ?!" he was red as tomato and that vein on his forehead popped out.
I quickly turned away again "I just needed a double check...Why I can't stop smiling?"
"Okay" I closed the door behind me "Now that's a cranberry juice commercial. Trademark"
I ran down the stairs and went outside. Corners of my mouth rose when I saw view in front of me. Now was the best time of autumn when trees leafs are still hanging but they all dyed with yellow, brown, orange, greenish colors. And sunset made a scenery look more mystical. Breathtaking. I sat down on the stairs and waited for others to come down.
"Lightning rod yelled on me that I'l be late for school but here I am, 15 minutes earlier. Outside. Alone." atleast weather was good. Clear sky, warm, soft wind. It was nice until today's nightmare's episodes crossed my mind. This one was similar to the first one that I had. And two nights in a row? This is freaky. The first one took a place in my old house in Alaska. I guess it means that I really miss my home not even knowing that. And today's... Terrifying. They wanted to use an electric shock therapy. If I remember correctly it is mostly used for mental institution patients who are sick mostly with depression. But I don't feel that way. Or do I ? No. No, no, no. These kind of thoughts will definitely lead to depression. I guess I dreamt about it only because that psychiatrist wanted to take out mine brain out. But those six figures...
I hugged myself.
'Think about the puppies, think about the puppy's love...cranberry juice?'
Behind me I heard someone cursing under his noise. I turned my head and saw Ayato standing outside.
"Well good morning my prince on a white takoyaki"
"You asking for a punishment, Orokana" he grunted taking few steps closer.
"Woah, woah, jeez." I got up on my feet "It was just a joke. Seriously, it's been like 20 minutes and you're a third person that I met who need to calm down"
"Well maybe I was okay before you started talking. Why you must make everything... Tch. Just stop being annoying trouble" he folded his arms.
"Trouble ?" I asked unpleasantly surprised "You're the one who is responsible for those blue and purple marks on my back."
"You still don't know your place here Orokana, don't you?" Ayato grunted coming closer to me sending alarming vibes. But I didn't move to show that I'm not afraid of him. Ayato roughly grabbed my hand. With every word he had spoken his grip got tighter "Your just a food. Nothing more but a livestock. A blood source form me...just a food" he lowered his voice.
"Okay, sweetie, you made this fact clear but I would really appreciate if you would let go now because I think I heard something pop in there" I pointed at my hand which was tightly held in his. When he released I shook it a little bit to relieve the pain "Thank you for not breaking my hand...and for not leaving me laying on the ground in ball room"
"Now you just kissing my ass, aren't you?" Ayato scratched the back of his head.
"You don't like it when I'm joking. You don't like it when I'm thanking you. You're like a woman on her PMS"
"What was that-!?"
Kanato from behind smacked Ayato's head.
"You're too noisy! Shut up!" boy barked on his brother.
"How dear you, little shit?! I'm older then you, give me respect!"
"I'm older that you idiot head !" Kanato shouted back grinning his teeth.
"Good mor-" Yui walked outside.
"Oh really, show me where it's written , hysteric bastard!" Ayato responded
Yui quickly walked pass the two brothers and stood next to me.
"What are they fighting about?" she asked me
"Something about who's older and who can make up with better nickname"
"Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun let's not fight. You are ruining morning" suddenly Laito appeared "Besides, I'm the oldest out of three of us" he gave a devilish grin to Ayato and Kanato.
"You guys spoiling my music with those detuned voices" Shu joined in too.
"What's the meaning of this commotion ?" and here comes the big mama.
"Oh, the three musketeers can't decide which one is older" I reported.
"Seriously" Reiji sighed "this argument is as old as the Earth"
"What do you mean?"
"Well biologically Laito is the oldest out of three of them... " Yui turned to me
"...but according to Japanese tradition, Ayato is the oldest out of three of them" Reiji added.
"But since they are noisy idiots, all they can do is to argue over dumb things like that" Shu stated.
"My day is already ruined" Reiji rubbed his eyes. Then suddenly the main mansion's door shot wide open and with big bang was closed.
"You..." Subaru grunted with low, angry voice staring right at me.
"Now, now" I raised my hands like I was stopping him "Let's talk about what happened like two civilized peopl-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence when he started chasing me around the fountain. But luckily for me the limo arrived to take us in no time. On our way he kept cursing me, I tried to calm him down that it's not a big deal.
The limo stopped in front of academy.
"I will murder you" albino boy threaten me
"Subaru, look. You feel ashamed and angry right now and that's normal reaction to that but you shouldn't be embarrass because..." I grabbed door's handle with uncoordinated movements "...from what I saw mother nature did a great work on your situation down there" And without a second thought I ran out of the limo to school where witnesses were.
I sat down in my seat and the only this that was for my own benefit was that today's classes will be shorter due to a huge teacher's meeting. But detention is still on for me so yay but no yay. Well one way or another I will get back to mansion earlier. Few students asked teachers to work without breaks so they could dismiss us even earlier. We worked really hard that day. I excused myself so I could go to the bathroom but I just really wanted coffee.
I was standing next to coffee vending machine, stirring my latte with plastic stick. On the wall was hanging notice-board. I read some of a advertisements until one of them caught my eye.
"Halloween Night Carnival ?"
I forgot about it. The Halloween. It's mainly because in the mansion there was no decorations like pumpkins with creepy smiles or even in academy. I really wanted to go there. With few big gulps I drank all latte from small cup and threw it in garbage can. After making sure no one is around I took the flier from the board and putted it in my jacket's pocket and I was about to go back to class when Subaru stopped me slamming my body to the wall.
"Ouch. H-hey Subaru" I smiled. He was holding my jacket's and shirt's collars together lifting me up a little.
"Don't you dare 'hey' me" he grinned his teeth.
"Is this about-"
"What do you think?!"
"O-Okay just making sure." I still was smiling. Subaru noticed it and tightened his grip.
"What's so funny?" he hissed
'Let's let the cat out of the bag' "First...I gently tapped his hand few times, which was holding me "Can you let me down, please" With still shaky hand he did what I asked "Now, about what happened. You see I really didn't... saw what was going on... down...there."
"What? But you shouted "
"Come on you talking to me. I know what I shouted but the point is that I saw like only your torso well maybe just a little glimpse but nothing more. I promise. All I wanted to do was have a little fun" 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that?' Subaru wasn't sure about if what I was saying was lie or truth. "At least now your brothers think that-"
He pressed my arms to the wall moved jacket and shirt down the one shoulder and sank his fangs in my flesh.
'Okay, maybe I deserve that'
'Maybe? You made that angry ball think that you saw his ringi-ding-dong'
'Fine, I deserve that.'
But for my surprise he raised his head.
"I don't need bother myself with taking care of you. So for now I only sucked just a little bit of your blood"
"For now?"
"Tch. Just go back to class"
Before going back I went to girls bathroom to clean wound so it wouldn't stain shirt. In the class Ayato notice the scent of fresh blood on me. I just told him that on my way I met Subaru but he still seemed to be pissed off.
After the last bell ring for that day I quickly went to find that responsible teacher for my detention and good new that he was in great mood and we agreed that tomorrow I will sit longer. Apparently he had to go to that meeting too. So long everything is going well.
I waited till Reiji and the other went back to the mansion. He doesn't know that today I'm free from detention. Muahaha
"To the city !"
When I reached the city's center I putted my hand in to a pocket but...
"Wait. What? Where's that thing? Maybe I putted in a backpack. Nope. Damn it. There was written direction to where to go"
I sighed and sat down on the bench and putted my head in my hands. Next to came a women with a crying baby. She tried to calm him down but he kept crying. From a stroller's bag she took out the bottler but accidentally few more stuffs fell out. I couldn't watch her struggling anymore so I stood up and picked a little octopus toy, key toy and napkins.
"Thank you so much" she said in relieve.
"Not a problem. These things fell from here, right?"
"Yes. Shhhh. Don't cry" the women talked to the baby. He was sobbing so much, tears ran down red cheeks it almost made me cry.
"What's wrong? Why are we crying?" I talked to the baby with a voice of child. You know, when you see a little kid your voice instantly changes.
"We are hungry, that's why we're acting like Mister Grumpy uncle" baby's mother started talking in that voice too "Can I ask you something. Could you hold him just for a second. I know it's weird but now I need my both hands free" women politely asked me.
"Oh Umm... Sure" I smiled and took crying baby in to my arms. It was so weird. I have never held a baby before. I didn't knew what should I do so I just "...~Whenever my head starts to hurt, Before it goes from bad to feeling worse, I turn of my phone, I get down low, And put my hands in the dirt~" I sang the song silently, like a lullaby. Baby stopped sobbing but tears still were rolling 'I guess Jason Mraz helps to calm babies down' The mother looked at me with smile.
"My son does like music"
"It relaxes me too, so I just gave a shoot" I said and handed baby back to his mother and she gave a bottle to him, who with satisfied face was drinking milk. My heart got warmer.
" Is this your first kid?"
"No, this one has an older sister" she wiped dripping milk from baby's chin "Do you wanna have kid in future?"
This question made me think. Back at the time I would have said that I do wanna have kids. Three boys would be excellent. Now... Well I still have that wish but my current situation makes me rethink all this.
"I do wanna have kids. Someday. But... that would be difficult" I forcefully smiled.
"'s" I paused
"Oh...It's personal. I understand. But I think you would be a great mother" She took my hand "Your hands are warm and soft. You have, how they say, nurse's hands. That's one of the signs that person has a good heart and cares for the others"
"Thank you" I blushed a little "Oh. I almost forgot. Do you know where Halloween Night Carnival is held?"
"No. But I think it's written on that big poster on the wall over there"
I looked at the direction where women was pointing. I felt so stupid not noticing a big ass poster.
"Thank you again"

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