Chaper 11: its on(part 2)

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"Stop talking nonsense and let's get over with it " Ayato cut me off. He and Subaru walked pass me and went towards kitchen.

"It's not nonsense !" I said like a little child and catch up with those two "It's a speech that is given to soldiers before they go to battle. You're a soldier now ! You must be prepared to things that might and will happen in the kitchen. And what do you know ? Maybe that possum planning an ambush on us. I saw him, see me, see him. And I swear the moment our eyes met I could hear his thoughts. And you know what was he thinking ? He said: 'Bitch, you ain't got guts to play with this badass possum. I have a gang and we'll invade this mansion'"

"Kaya-chan, I don't think there will be... an ambush" Yui placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Chichinashi is right. Their're just stinky, dumb animals. You're just overthinking even though you don't have brain"

"You're right I don't have a brain I have a super-brain !"

"You two just shut up !' Subaru shouted at us.

We reached the kitchen. Ayato and Subaru walked in first.

"Smart move guys! You two take front line while me and Yui wait with a knifes in hallway... just in case."

"We don't have knifes" blonde whispered to me.

"I know I'm just saying that so they would feel safer"

"He's not here " I heard a shout from a kitchen and I walked in. Two vampires were looking around. "You must had been hallucinating."

"But I saw it with my own ey-"

"OY!" Suddenly possum ran out of kitchen cabinet right under Subaru. White-hair tried to catch it but he failed. Possum ran toward Yui. Me and Ayato jumped and ran towards intruder who now was next to Yui. She got scared and hit her back against the wall and accidentally turn off light.

"Oh My God! I'm blind !" I shouted

"You're not blinde ! It's ju- AU ! watch where you going "

"Hey don't let- DAMN IT ! I hit my leg"

Basically for like 2 minutes there was braking, tripping, hitting sounds until Yui found light switch.

"Guys ! I got him ! I caught possum !"

"You Orokana (translation: brainless), that's my head !" I looked at what was in my hands. I was holding Ayato's head tightly to my chest. When I let him go he quickly stood up with a blushing face.

"Where he ran off to ?" Yui asked. We all looked around the kitchen.

"That damn thing now probably is wondering around our mansion" Subaru slammed the table with his hand.

"Don't panic. All we need to do is spread around and find him. Subaru, Yui you guys go to the living room. Ayato you're coming with me."

"Why me?"

"Because you're face was in my boobs and I'll feel more relaxed leaving Yui with your brother."

" You're the one who was pressing my face to those damn things !"

"Oh like you weren't enjoying it !"

"Are you two seriously having this conversation now !" Subaru yelled "Shut your fucking mouths and go find that thing !"

"Subaru-kun is right. We made too much noise so far. So it would be smart to go and find possum as fast as we can" Yui took a step forward.

Ayato sighted.

"That's right" I said standing up "We still have a runner and he need to be caught. Let's go " I gestured Ayato to come.

We took a stair and scouted second floor.

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