Chapter 4: Just don't panick

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After the best car ride I have ever had we arrived to school. I was shocked by the size of this building. It's HUGE. It almost like a second Sakamaki's mansion but only filled with not crazy people. Well maybe crazy but not that crazy people who wants to drink your blood.

We got inside and while others went to their classes, Reiji took me aside.

"From now on you will be attempting night school with all of us. You will go to the same classes as Ayato, Kanato, and Yui."

"I don't wanna be in the same room as those dos tontos.Yui is okay but them."I said with disgusted face expression " I wanna go to class with you. We already have that BFF bond. What classes do you attend?"

"History, advanced math, Comparative Government and Politics, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics. Do I need to carry on?"

"...So where exactly I should go ?"

"Take those stairs then go to the right and your class will be 2-B. Understood?"

" Yes Major Count Chocula " I saluted him like a real soldier.

Reiji's eye twitched. I don't know what it means but at that moment my guts was telling 'Bitch, don't make any sudden moves or eye contact, just get your damn ass to that damn class'

"Okay, so I will go now" and I walked fast towards stairs.

I took a stairs and turned right like he told me to. This school is big but there isn't much of the student. It's weird when hallways aren't filled with kid. Maybe it's for the best. I never liked these kind of places anyway. Oh, here's 2-B. I opened the door and walked in the class . The majority of student were sitting in their seats. I felt a few students stares. 'Why they are staring at me? Do I look funny? Maybe someone is standing behind me?'I quickly looked behind me ' No. It's just me. What's going on? WH- WHY ARE YOU STILL STARING AT ME ?! OH SO YOU WANNA GO MONO ON MONO ! COME AT ME YOU LITTLE BURRO'

"Kaya-chan !" 'Who's saying my name ?'"So we in the same class. I'm so happy" A joyful voice reached my ears.

"Sup Yui, how my hood chica doing ?"


"Umm nothing. So where can I sit?"

"Oh. That one is free" She pointed to the back seat of the classroom. Second row from a door. I got into my seat, took my pencil, notebook and books out of my backpack. The view of these things on my desk made me sick. While I was getting ready I didn't noticed when someone sat next to me.

"Of all the people" familiar annoyed voice said to me. 'Oh crap I'll be sitting next to Ayato'

"I'm so happy to see you to my beloved housemate" I said sarcastically making a cute face.

"J-Just shut up " with that he turned his head away from me. I giggled a little bit.

*talks in serious tone* Suddenly I felt changes in atmosphere, in air, in animal behavior. I feel the same disturbance in the force like that day when I first saw Laito. Some evil black aura surrounded classroom door. I could sense that predator like vampires can sense blood. *whisper* I can even taste it in my mouth. My body instinctively tried to hide himself from that monster eyes by shrinking and going under a desk as much as possible. I also have a hope that the tall guy in front of me will cover me... Okay I can hide behind him. But NO. The predators eyes like x-ray or temperature detecting thing something. I don't know. And finally he entered like this whole classroom belongs to him. The man to who kings say 'Take everything you want and leave' and who can crush your dreams with a simple pen. It was him. Standing like a lion on a cliff (you know that scene from The Lion King)


*insert her dramatic music*

'Kaya just act natural, act natural' I tried to bring one of my leg on a chair 'WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE DOING ! PUT DOWN YOUR LEG! Good now sit with your BOTH legs down... Oh crap 'I started scratching like mad my head, hand. Then I place my palms on my tights. Then I quickly scratched my left shoulder. Suddenly I felt something like a paper ball hit my head.

"What's the matter with you ?" the same annoyed voice.

"Ayato you gotta help me"

He didn't expect from me to hear these words.

"That's not my problem. Ore-sama don't have time for you"

"Okay I understand that the first our meeting mostly included shouting on each other. And now calling yourself "ore-sama" made me think of cookies. But lets forget everything what was and is." I whispered really fast to him.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care" then he just fell asleep on his desk.'Bitch'

The truth is that sometime for no reason I get really nervous and at those time I can't stop moving, scratching or even shut up. A lot of things happened in the past two days and I guess stress just got to my head. I can't tell the teacher that I'm having this shit. I need an opportunity, a chance, distraction, anything that would help get out of this class.'Okay, okay THINK... what would Rin do in this kind of situation?' In my head my brother's appeared eating nachos. "I don't know"he said and disappeared. 'Goddamn it Rin. Now I want nachos'

Wait I think I got something. The door behind me isn't closed. OPPORTUNITY ! I slowly putted my things back into my backpack. Okay now I have to wait till teacher turns his back. 'HE TURNED HIS BACK ! HE TURNED HIS BACK ! 'I looked around to make sure no one will see me. All students seemed to be hypnotized by teacher. Good. Fast but without any sound I got out of my seat, squat down and sneaked out.

"Oh my God. *inhales* A fresh air" I opened one of a hallway windows and took a deep breath. "That's better". I closed the window and walked down the hall not knowing where I'm going. Everyone is in there classes. I need to think of some activities I could do to kill some time. I got down one stairs and got up the other ones. Sometimes walking by a classroom I tried to hear what teachers was talking about. Most of the rooms was empty. Walking by one of those rooms I saw a sign that said 'Music room'. 'Well don't mind if I do~' . Inside of music room I saw old , cracked desks, violins, violanchelo, classic guitar. THEY HAVE A PIANO ! 'Oh happy day~' I always wanted to learn how to play a piano. My uncle thought me to play only one song. So when I get a chance to practice that one piece, I take it. I sat down and touched piano keyboard with my fingers.'I missed this so much' I started to play that one and only song.

(go to youtube and search for Michael Ortega – Inception.)

Happiness - wonderful feeling. I stood up, took my backpack and I was about to go when lazy voice called for me.

"Who would ever thought that a girl like you can play like this "

I turned my head just to see Shu laying on the ground next to bookshelf.

" I'll take this as a compliment" I said proudly "Wait, what do you mean 'a girl like me' ?" That sleeping bear just snickered.

"Don't act stupid. You know what I mean. "

"Empollón de la música"

"And I understand what you say"

"Ah Maldita sea !" I cursed and Shu sat up.

"Aren't you afraid to get scold by Reiji" he said looking at me. I needed a second to progress what he had in mind this time. 'OH SHIT!' Reiji might notice my moving presence and that brain of his will figure it out that I was running around the school like crazy. OH MY GOD! What if I walked by that classroom where Reiji was sitting... I'm not going to dungeons. No sir.

"So you know what I'm talking about" I nodded with eyes wide open.

"I think I know how to help"

"Reeeeeaaallyyyy" My eyes turned into a starts filled with hope and joy.

Shu smirked.

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