Chapter 41 - ...and then some

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Chapter 41 - ....and then some

"Aria! Aria! Open your eyes sweetheart. Come on." That voice...that beautiful voice. It was calling me. I wanted to go to it. But why? Why can't I go where this beautiful voice is? "Aria you have to breathe. Breathe Aria!" Breathe, that's what I needed to do. But how do I do that? "Aria! Take air into your lungs sweetheart. Come on, you can do it." I had no idea what this beautiful voice was saying, but I wanted to listen to it forever.

"What did you do to her?" Why does the beautiful voice sound so angry? I don't want the voice to be angry. "I told you not to move! I'll deal with you later." I wasn't sure if this was a dream of if I was really dead, but it was this voice that was keeping me afloat. "Aria you have to breathe. Just open those beautiful eyes for me please."

The most magical feeling started to engulf me. A kind of sweet feeling poured into my body. I wanted to enjoy this feeling forever. And then, it all disappeared and the pain of someone forcing air into my lungs took over. My eyes popped open as I tried to contain the massive amounts of air that was being pushed into my body. I gasped twice and suddenly I could breathe again.

"Oh my God!" I got to my feet. "Where is he? I'm going to wring his neck myself."

"Calm down."

Zane held me back and sparks flew through my body.

"What was that?"

"Yeah, you're going to be a little sensitive from now on. But we'll deal with that later. We're still at war remember?"

How could I forget?

He turned to Nate who I just now realized wasn't moving at all, even though he was breathing. I still could not believe he tried to kill me.

"You're going to tell me everything you know."

"We don't have time for this Aria. Your grandmother is about to kill your sister's husband. I think that's more important. This one isn't going anywhere." He held his hand out to me expectantly. I wasn't sure what he wanted from me, but with a leap of faith I placed my hand in his. One minute we were facing Nate, the next we were at Alyssa's side.

"You need to go inside your majesty. It isn't safe for you out here."

"What? I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving my mates."

"Go inside Alyssa. I'll take it from here."

I couldn't do much but stand by Zane's side while he took charge of the situation. He waved his hand and the dark clouds in the sky started to disappear. It was brighter now and I could see just how bad things really where. Alexis had managed to knock Liah unconscious and was now taking on the remaining witches by herself.


Zane's voice echoed across the land. Every witch seemed to recognize his power and paused. Even Sofia who was torturing Dimitri to no end paused at the sound of Zane's voice. She flung his body to the ground effortlessly, and he laid there completely unmoving. I wasn't even sure he was still breathing. For Alyssa's sake I hope he was. She cried out in pain and tried to get to his side, but Zane stopped her. How he managed to do that was a puzzle to me. As far as I knew, Adrian was the only one capable of using powers on her.

"How did you do that?"

"I suggest if any of you want to live you'll leave this place and never return."

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