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New one-shot. A little different of what i normally do. Enjoy!

Mike was sitting down next to Eleven. On the couch of his basement, she had her arm around Mike's waist, while Mike was brushing Eleven's little brunette curls.
El rested her head on Mike's shoulders. They were there, enjoying each others presence. It was al they needed to feel happy.

Eleven ran up to Mike, while Mike had his arms wide open waiting for her brunette girl to fill up that space. It had been 24 hours since they didn't see each other. Yeah, not a lot, but it seemed ages for these two lovers.
Eleven rushed and bumped into Mike, hugging him tightly. Eleven buried her face on Mike's chest, while he rested his chin on the top of her head.
"I've missed you" The girl said.
"I've missed you too" He said.
She looked up at him, and he immediately kissed her. He grabbed her waist, and her arms hanged around Mike's neck, brushing his black curls.

It was 23:00 when they got to Mike's roof. He placed a blanket on the floor, and took Eleven's hand, leading her to sit down next to him. They lay on the roof. Eleven came closer to him, wrapping her arms around Mike's waist, resting her head on his chest. Mike used one of his arms as a pillow and the other to wrap Eleven's back. He kissed her forehead, and both of them stared the beautiful sky, full of stars and a big bright moon.
"Pretty" She said, referring to the stars.
"Yeah, but you are prettier" He said.
Eleven looked up at him, grinning. He grinned back, and squeezed her, kind of hugging her, and kissed her again on her forehead.

"Mike" El said.
"Yeah El?" He asked.
The brunette girl asked Mike how was him when she left to the Upside Down. Mike looked shocked, but ended explaining her how broken and sad he felt those 12 months. 'The worst 12 months i ever passed' he affirmed. Eleven soon had watery eyes, he had suffered a lot and it hurt that he felt like that because of her. Soon a tear fell from Mike's eye. Eleven couldn't handle it. She looked at him, sharing a gaze. She smashed her lips into his, trying to make him feel better. A smile formed in Mike's lips while kissing, while he grabbed El's cheeks and El grabbed his neck.
They separated.
"I will always be here. I promise" Eleven said, smiling at him.

It was those little moments that made Mike and Eleven feel complete. Those little and special moments that they created when they were together.

I think this was really cute! I hope you've liked it! See you in the next one-shot!

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