the fall.

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Age: 16-17
I know this is not the second part to my last but I'll upload that soon ;)

Mike and Eleven loved the fall. The colors, the weather, halloween...

El's cheeks and nose would turn pink on the fall. Mike found that extremely cute.

Mike and El walked on Hawkins' streets hand in hand. They ended up sitting on a bench at the park, her head resting on his shoulder, and their hands still attached.

Mike ran his thumb against her knuckles, then brought her hand up to press his warm lips against her cold skin. She lifted her head from his shoulder and moved so she was sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she did the same but around his neck, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

She later lifted her head up and looked at him. It was different for him, on the fall he became even paler and his freckles were even more noticeable. And whilst she focused on that, he looked at her and focused on those pink cheeks and nose.

It was kind of impossible to not lean and press his lips against hers, so he did, and he brought one of his hands up to her cheek, running his thumb against her soft skin as they kissed.

On the fall, Mike's closet would suspiciously become very empty (actually, it was never that suspicious for him, he knew exactly what was going on).

"Hey El, that sweater is really familiar. Oh wait, didn't Mike have one identical to yours?" Dustin would tease.

El's cheeks would turn bright red, and she would become extremely nervous, to the point where she would start to fiddle with the ends of the sweater.

Mike would sense this, and he would go behind her and whisper in her ear; "It looks cuter on you, anyways". He got so close to her, that his breath would hit the side of her face, and his slightly curly hair would tickle on her neck, making her have goosebumps.

But it was true, he really thought she looked way cuter than him in his sweaters. Mike was much taller than her, and it  fit like a dress to her. She looked real cute.

El grinned as she heard his words whispered into her ear. She tilted her head up and looked at him with a grin plastered on her face. He smiled back and pecked her nose, snickering his arm around her waist.

"We should have some lunch" He said softly.

El nodded, biting her lip.


Believe it or not, this took forever to write. Sorry for it to be short tho:/ I hope u enjoyed!! Btw that trailer was soooo good omg!!
Thanks for reading! xx

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