He missed her

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Mike sat down in her fort.
He wishes she could somehow hear him. Wherever she was.
It had been a week since El disappeared and he had been so distracted with his returned friend, he almost forgot the pain.
Yeah, almost.
Memories flooded his brain.
Memories of her.
"El" He said in a raspy voice.
It hurt so much naming her, knowing she wouldn't answer.
"I don't know if you hear me, or if I'm just loosing my mind" He chuckled, his sight getting blurry by tears already filling his eyes.
"I miss you so much El" He said, his voice cracking up.

He sniffled and quickly whipped his tears away.
"I'm sorry. I broke our promise. I never got to bring you to the Snowball, or get a bedroom of your own" He continued.

"I never got to tell you, but I think I fell for you, El" He closed his eyes and pressed his knees against his chest.

"I'll never forget you" He whispered.

Little did Mike know that Eleven was sitting right next to him. She gently rubbed her hand against his cheek.
"I miss you too Mike"

Mike opened his eyes and swore to have felt a slight breeze against his cheek, and her sweet voice naming him, as she would always do.

Sad one shot:/
Thanks for reading!

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