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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time, i was really busy! But here you go, another one-shot. Btw, thank you guys so much 550+ views! That is A M A Z I N G❤️

Mike was sleeping in Eleven's fort. She had had nightmares again. Mike woke up and immediately looked at his side, to see Eleven. Though El wasn't what he saw, but an empty space by him. He thought she might woken up early so he looked around the room. But she wasn't there.
He walked up the stairs, to the living room. No one was there. Mike's heart started beating faster. He went to the kitchen and Nancy's room, but El wasn't there.
Mike started panicking. He couldn't loose Eleven, not again.
"Mike, what's wrong?" Nancy said
"Have you seen El? I can't find her" He said, panting
"Have you looked everywhere?"
"Yes, i did. Nancy, i don't want to loose her again"
"Okay, calm down. I'm sure she didn't go too far. We will find her." She said, putting her hands on his shoulders.
Mike was trying to think where El could have gone. His eyes widened.
"What?" Nancy said, furrowing her eyebrows.
"El.. She was having nightmares about the Lab again"
"You don't think...."
Mike looked at her.
"If she went there... That place is empty, abandoned " She said
"That means she's okay.... But scared. We have to go there, now" Mike said.

—Time skip—
Mike and Nancy ran through the Lab's empty halls. They decided to split. Mike ran through a dark, long hall, when he saw her. She was laying on the floor.
"Eleven!" He ran to her.
"Mike" She said.
She had puffy eyes and wet cheeks of crying.
"Eleven why did you come here" He asked
"I dreamed. They killed you. I got really angry and came here, but they were gone. I didn't know how to go back"
"Eleven" He said, pulling her onto an embrace.
"They will never do anything to me, don't worry, they are gone. The bad men are gone." He whispered into her ear.
She leaned back of the embrace.
Eleven smiled and got close to Mike's face. Their foreheads touched, they were looking into each other's eyes. Eleven leaned a bit so their lips met. They kissed for a few seconds.

Not one of my best stories, but i tried. I hope you guys enjoyed, i hope i can update sooner now!

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