Chapter 3

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The next morning Don woke up and saw that Meryl was still asleep snuggled up to his side as he looked down and watched her sleep. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in a year. Last Thanksgiving he was at his parents' in Indiana. He stumbled into the house at all hours of the morning after going out and getting drunk with his friends and brothers. He couldn't wait until the meal was over so that he could leave and go hang out with his friends. This year was so much different. This year, the night before Thanksgiving, he had an intense make-out session in Meryl's parents living room with her; and he was looking forward to spending the day with her and her family, and he was also looking forward to their date night the next night. His life had changed dramatically, and he wouldn't have it any other way. He knew how he felt, he was just curious how Meryl would deal with Thanksgiving since it was the first Thanksgiving since John died.

Meryl stirred awake. "Hey, have you been awake long?" 

"No, just woke up." He smiled as he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving, babe." She smiled sitting up.

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower." He said getting up.

"There's no hurry." She said.

"I know, but I want to get cleaned up before the house fills up." He said.

She knew what he wasn't saying, he felt like a guest and didn't want to be in the way. "Okay, I am going to go get some coffee. Come on down when you're done." She said as he walked to the door.

"I will." He winked walking out to the bathroom.


Meryl laid there for a minute and thought about how happy she was with Don, but then her thoughts turned to John. This was her first Thanksgiving since John's death, and she did miss him. She didn't love Don any less, but she couldn't help but think of John. She didn't want to say anything to Don, she knew he would understand, but she felt like he shouldn't have to. John was her past and Don was her present and future. Meryl took a deep breath, grabbed her robe, and went downstairs.


Don showered and then changed. He went to Meryl's bedroom, made the bed, cleaned up a bit, and walked out meeting Third.

"Hey, man." Third smiled.

"Hey. Listen, I am sorry about last night, it was inappropriate. Your parents have been so welcoming to me, and I shouldn't have let it get that far." Don apologized.

"Don, I'm sorry, I think this whole thing got blown out of proportion. I was mainly giving Meryl a hard time. I didn't mean to make you feel like a guest or outsider. I'm glad you're married to Meryl, you are so good for her, and all of us are happy you're part of the family." Third said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Don smiled.

"Now, I definitely don't want details, but I know how determined my sister can be when she gets something in her mind. I KNOW she's not completely innocent in this case." Third said making him laugh.

"No comment." Don laughed.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast." Third said leading the way.


Meryl was sitting in the kitchen staring out the window with her coffee when her mother Mary walked in and saw her daughter sitting there, obviously deep in thought.

"Hi, sweetheart." Mary said placing a kiss on top of her daughter's head.

"Hi, Mom." She smiled.

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