Chapter 5

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Don rushed upstairs to the apartment he shared with Meryl. He was late for date night and he hoped she wasn't upset. She was on a break from the filming of Kramer vs. Kramer for the holidays, and they were flying to visit his family in Indianapolis, and he was late because he was trying to wrap things up in his studio. Date night was something they looked forward to every week, he was especially looking forward to it on this evening, he hoped an evening out together would calm Meryl a little bit. She had been nervous about finding the right present for his parents, and packing the right things, as this would be the first time she met his family besides his parents. Her first meeting with his parents at their wedding back in September hadn't gone well, thanks to his father, so he hoped she could relax and not worry. He didn't care what his family thought, his life was Meryl and that was all that mattered. They had also talked about how this was the first Christmas since John passed; both Meryl and Don were completely honest about their feelings and what they were thinking. Don understood that this would be difficult for her, but she had told him she was sad for John, and it had nothing to do with her feelings for him, and Don believed her. Everyday their marriage was better and better. They were happy and very much in love. They didn't think about why or how they were together, about the events that led up to their relationship, what mattered was that they were together. Don was brought out of his thoughts when he walked into their bedroom and saw Meryl piling clothes on top of clothes on top of clothes on the bed.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked walking in.

"Trying to pack. I have no idea what to wear, what to take. I want to make a good impression." She said, obviously more stressed out than ever.

"Meryl, you never care how you look." He said meaning it as a compliment.

"Thanks, Don, thanks alot. You must just love being married to a woman who doesn't care how she looks." She snapped.

Don took a deep breath. This was NOT going well. He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down. "Babe, you are beautiful. You know that I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. What I meant was you don't put on heirs, you don't care if you follow the latest fashion trends. That's one of the things I love about you." He smiled realizing her features had softened a bit.

"I'm sorry." She said kissing his warm soft lips. "I am just really nervous about meeting your family." She said still going through her clothes.

"Babe, there is nothing to be nervous about. My mom loves you and everyone else will too. If they don't, then there is something wrong with them." He said.

"And your Dad? He already doesn't like me." She said.

"He's a horses ass, one of the biggest pricks I have ever met. It has NOTHING to do with you, it's all about me. If he says one word against you or our life then he will have to answer to me." Don said, already gearing up for a confrontation with his father.

"It's just, you have such great relationships with my family, I want the same with yours." She said holding up clothes and putting them down.

"You will, and it will have nothing to do with what you're wearing. So, can you relax? Let's just enjoy Christmas. Okay?" He asked earning a smile from her.

"Okay." She smiled and pecked his lips.

"Good, now come on, grab your coat and let's go." He said.

"Go, go where?" She asked. "I have so much to do, I can't go anywhere." She said.

"It's date night, come on, I'm starving." He said.

"Don, it's just dinner. Order some food and we'll eat here." Meryl said getting agitated again.

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