Chapter 4

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Meryl and Don spent the next couple weeks extremely busy: working, redecorating the apartment, and preparing for Christmas. However, they never missed a date night, it was too important to both of them. Friday nights were reserved for just the two of them to be alone. Sometimes it would be spent in the apartment, but most of the time it was a night out on the town. Their dates always included dinner and drinks but would vary from dancing to movies to theater to galleries. Sometimes they would just sit at the restaurant for hours talking and laughing. The point was to find time for one another.

Don and Meryl finally got the loft put together exactly how they wanted it. It was a perfect blend of his and her's tastes. Meryl was glad that she had several movies coming out, and Don was happy he sold several pieces of art, as it allowed them some freedom in how they wanted to decorate their home together, but not much. Don and Meryl were very mindful of their finances, and saved as much as possible. Seeing as they were both artists they never knew when they would be out of work. Don owned the loft, and Meryl's name was on the deed, so it gave them a little more freedom than those young married couples who were paying high rent.


Meryl was making dinner one night, something she tried to do as much as possible, and looked around happy. The loft finally felt like "their" apartment. Their marriage was getting stronger everyday. Meryl was busy trying to think of what to do for Don for his birthday. It was coming up in only a few days and she had no idea what to do or get him. Since spending so much money on redecorating the loft they were trying to save for their Honeymoon in Italy in the Spring. She knew she would serve him breakfast in bed, and then she thought of something he always wanted, something he never could get enough of, and she had an inspired idea as a smile came to her lips. He would love it, she was sure of it. She was brought out of her thoughts when their intercom buzzed.

"Yes?" She said pushing the talk button and then released it.

"Hey, baby, it's me." Don said.

"Hey, hun. Did you forget your keys?" She asked wondering why he didn't just come up.

"No, but my arms are full. I have a surprise for you. Can you let me in and open our door for me?" Don requested.

"Sure thing, babe." She said as she buzzed him through the main doors and stood at their apartment door waiting for him.

A big smile appeared on her lips when she saw him with a big Christmas tree in his hands.

"Surprise." He said kissing her cheek and then walking through to sit the Christmas tree in the corner.

"What's this for?" She asked laughing.

"Well, babe, it's a CHRISTMAS TREE." He said slowly, teasing her.

"I know WHAT it is." She said as she jokingly hit him. "I meant why did you buy one? We aren't even going to be here for Christmas."

"I know we won't be here on Christmas Day, but does that mean we can't enjoy our first Christmas together in our new apartment?" He asked making her laugh.

"It's not a new apartment, Don. You've owned it for years." She laughed.

"Yes, but now we own it." He smiled. It was really important to him that her name was on the deed as soon as they were married. After being kicked out of John's apartment he never wanted her to feel that they were temporary. They were forever and Don felt one way to make her feel loved, safe and secure was to put her name on the deed.

"You're too cute." She laughed giving him a kiss. As she started to pull away, he grabbed her by the hips and kept her in place.

"Good, that's what I was going for." He winked.

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