Chapter 19

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Meryl and Don were exhausted when they got home. Meryl was relieved that she didn't have to report to the set of Kramer for a week, so she could get used to New York time again. Don didn't need to get back to work immediately, so he planned on spending as much of that time with her as possible as he also got used to being home again. When they got home they collapsed into an exhausted pile into their bed, holding each other. As exhausted as Don was, he knew his wife was even more so. The trip home was harder on her than the trip there. She couldn't get comfortable, and constantly had to go to the bathroom. Her feet were swelling so she drank alot of water, which only made her have to go to the bathroom more. Don tried to make her as comfortable as possible, but it was next to impossible on the airplane. He was glad they would be going to the doctor the morning after they got home for her monthly check-up.


Meryl and Don were so exhausted they forgot to set the alarm. As usual Don was the first one to wake up, he turned lazy eyes to the clock on his bedside table and saw it was 10am, they were due at the doctor's office downtown at 11. He immediately sat up and threw on clothes as he went to make her tea. "Meryl, babe, wake up, we're late." He said sitting down next to her.

"Sleep." She moaned turning away.

"Baby, you have to get up. You have a doctors appointment in 50 minutes. Wake up." He said, not leaving her alone.

Meryl sat upright and looked over at his clock. "WHAT?! Why didn't you wake me?" She asked.

"I just did." He pointed out laughing as she threw on clothes.

"Yeah, sorry." She laughed as she put on jeans, a knit shirt, and flip flops. She ran into the bathroom to slap on some light makeup, brush her teeth, and threw her hair up in a messy bun.

Don was putting her tea and his coffee in travel mugs as the bread was toasting when she ran in. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked after only spending five minutes getting ready. "Here." He smiled handing her the tea as he took the toast out and placed it on a napkin handing it to her.

"Thanks, babe." She smiled at how he took care of her.

"Okay, I called a cab and it should be downstairs. It will be faster than the subway." He said as she grabbed her purse and they headed for the door.

"Ready to hear our baby's heartbeat?" She asked excitedly.

"You better believe it." He beamed, not believing they almost slept through it.


They made it downtown and to her doctor's office just in time. Meryl was lying on the table waiting for the doctor with Don standing right beside her head as they the doctor to come back in. They had already examined Meryl, now it was time to see the baby.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked holding her hand.

"Okay, jet lagged." She laughed. "And hungry!" She exclaimed making him laugh.

"We will go grab lunch after this." He laughed as the doctor came in.

"Good morning, Meryl, Don." The doctor smiled as she walked in.

"Hi Dr. Ryan." Meryl said.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Good." Meryl smiled at Don.

"Now, last time I saw you two you were getting ready to go to Italy." The doctor said lifting Meryl's shirt.

"We just got back." Don smiled.

"Well, are you ready to hear your baby's heart beat?" The doctor asked.

"More than ready." Meryl replied as the doctor put the cold gel on her stomach causing her to gasp.

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