Chapter 24

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Don fell asleep just like he said he would, with his hands on her belly. He never did feel it again. The next morning they woke up and they laid there for the longest time as he waited to feel it kick again. "Why isn't the baby kicking?" He asked.

"Honey, it's still early. From everything I have read, usually the baby doesn't kick until 18-22 weeks. I am only 16 weeks. Your baby is just a genuis." She laughed.

"I just want to feel the kicking again. I hate my father was the first person, well besides you, to feel our baby kick. I swear, I am not going to miss a single moment." He said lying down with his cheek on her stomach.

"Are you wanting the baby to kick your face?" She laughed running her fingers through his hair as he laughed. "Hun, you won't be able to feel every movement. I promise you, I will include you in everything I can."

"I know you will. It's just, why my dad?" He asked laughing.

"Maybe it is a good thing, it softened him a bit, you know." She said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you're right." He said sitting up.

"Well, naturally, aren't I always?" She smirked.

"Of course!" He laughed.

"Well, we better get ready. We have to get to your parents and your mom and I are going shopping." She said.

"I am glad you are doing that, it's really important to me that you two like each other and bond." He said.

"It's important to me too, it's just hard with us being so far away. I think it's easier for you and my family because we are closer geographically to them." She auggested.

"Plus, they're good people." He laughed.

"Your mom is a good person, I like spending time with her. I was just freaked out after what I saw and felt awkward around her." She explained.

"I know, I do too." He said.

"What are you going to do while I am shopping with your mom?" She asked.

"Well, my cousins, brothers, and I are going to ride horses and then take care of some stuff at Grandpa's." Don said.

"Are you okay?" She asked stroking his cheek.

"Yeah, I am, even with everything that happened. I believe what he said about when the baby is born you see the face of God, I felt that last night when I felt our baby kick. It was a spiritual event and I feel he is here with us." Don said.

"I believe he is." She smiled kissing his cheek. "Okay, I am going to hop in the shower. Can you order breakfast?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. Your usual?" He laughed.

"Yes, please, thanks babe." She said as she got up and showered.


Don was setting up the breakfast in the sitting room when he heard her cussing in the bedroom.

"FUCK! Come on, zip. Damn it!" She said exasperated as she laid down and tried to zip her jeans.

Don walked in and tried not to laugh at his wife trying to zip her pants as she laid on the bed in her bra and jeans.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"They won't zip up. I just wore these jeans the other day, and my boobs are practically spilling out of my bra." She sighed.

"Well, first of all, I like the fact that your breasts aren't being contained by your bra." He winked as he sat down beside her and ran his hand over the swells of her breasts.

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