Chapter 33

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It was Friday December 21st and Don and Meryl were settling in for date night as usual, but his mother called and Meryl took that opportunity to check on Henry who was asleep in the bassinet in their room. He was only 5 weeks old and she wasn't ready to let him sleep in the big crib by himself. She gave him a kiss and grabbed the monitor, then went out to join her husband for some take-out Chinese and a movie.

"I know you do, Mom. We'll be out this Spring. Mom, Meryl just gave birth 5 weeks ago, it was a traumatic birth and she had surgery, I don't want her or the baby to fly yet. We'll be there for Christmas next year. No, this isn't about Dad." Don said as he looked at Meryl and rolled his eyes. "Mom, I have a family now and I need to do what is best for them. Yes, I've heard what pediatricians say about flying, but I want to keep them both close to home. Yes, I promise we will be out just as soon as we can. I sent you and Dad some new pictures today. Well, he did discover a new molecule today." Don laughed as Meryl playfully smacked him when she came to sit down next to him. "I agree, he is a genius. Listen Ma, Meryl and I are going to eat, we'll talk to you later. We love you too, Mom, bye." Don sighed when he hung up.

"She's not happy, is she?" Meryl asked as she fed him a piece of chicken.

"She'll get over it." Don said while he chewed.

"It's not too late, we can still get tickets and change our plans." Meryl said accepting some chow mein from him.

"No, neither of you need to be traveling that distance." He said.

"Babe, my doctor and Henry's doctor said it would be okay. I know what you said to your mom, but is this about your dad?" She asked.

"So, want to watch the movie?" Don asked trying to evade the question.

"Donald." She said giving him the look.

"Wow, you already have the 'mom' look down." He laughed.

"Out with it. Complete honesty, remember?" Meryl asked pointedly.

"Okay, that's part of it. First of all, I don't want him barging in while you're nursing. I mean, he just stood there gawking at your breasts in the hospital. That was totally out of line. Not only was it inappropriate, but it made you uncomfortable." Don said.

"Hun, I've started to nurse in front of my dad and my brothers now that I have that cover and am more comfortable with it." She pointed out.

"I know, there was just something about the way he looked at you, it bothers me." He was being completely honest.

"Are you jealous?" She asked.

"I don't know if that's the word, and that it is sick to be jealous of him, but in a way, yes." He said.

"I know what you're trying to say, after all he was fucking your ex-wife." She shuddered which made him laugh. "You aren't the sick one, he is. Besides Henry and my doctor, you are the only one that sees them, or touches them." She winked.

"Good. Henry won't have them forever." Don laughed.

"Okay, you said this was part of it. What's the other part?" She asked as they continued to feed each other.

"Carl Raymore." Don said.

Meryl froze. "What about him?" 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I don't want to upset you." He said as he rubbed her shoulder.

"No, it's fine, go ahead." She said as she put down her food.

"Well, the knowledge of what he did to you makes me hate my father even more for how he has treated you. You said yourself that is why you are uncomfortable and afraid of him." Don pointed out.

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