Chapter 38

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Meryl and Don were able to take baby Henry home that night, and they learned that taking take of a sick baby was exhausting. They were worn out between caring for Henry, laundry, cooking, cleaning, pumping, and Don was trying to work whenever he could. They had been in the apartment together since bringing Henry home but it felt like they were always going in separate directions.


It was the night after bringing Henry home from the hospital, and Meryl had put Henry down after nursing, and finally sat down on the sofa. The apartment was clean and Don was getting the last load of the laundry from the basement of their apartment building. She felt like all they had done since coming home from the hospital was comforting Henry or cleaning up after him. It was the same way when he was well, but there was more now that he was sick, and he was incredibly fussy. She was lying with her feet propped up on the coffee table and her head resting against the sofa when Don walked.

"I think that's it." He sighed as he put the basket down. "Is he asleep?"

"Finally." She sighed. "Babe, you haven't stopped since we took Henry to the hospital." She said.

"Well, neither have you." He pointed out as he locked the door.

"Come sit down, take a break." She said patting the cushion.

"I'd love to, but I'm going to go make dinner. Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Starving, but I would rather you come sit down and we can order in." She said.

"I can't refuse that." He said as he sat down and put his feet up on the coffee table and she laid her head on his chest.

"What time is it, even?" She asked.

"Oh, about 7." He said.

"Was it only yesterday morning that we made hot love in the shower?" She asked.

"Yeah, it seems forever. As much as I'd love to baby, I don't think I have the energy." He said stroking her hair.

"Me either." She laughed. "I had such great expectations for last night. Dancing with you, coming home and holding Henry until the ball dropped, and then making love to you all night." She said stroking his chest.

"Me too. We'll make love again, I hope." He laughed.

"Me too, baby." She laughed. "I am so tired. Have we even slept since Sunday night?"

"I don't think so. Every time we close our eyes Henry wakes up." Don said as his eyes involuntarily closed.

"Babe, why don't we take shifts tonight, then we can get some sleep." She suggested.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep if you are up with him." Don said honestly.

"Me either." She laughed. "I'll go order dinner." She said beginning to get up.

"No, stay here, this is the most relaxed I've been since last night." He said.

"Me too. Aren't you hungry, though?" She pointed out.

"Yeah, we can order later. You smell good." He said.

"Baby, I smell like stale breast milk, medicine, vasseline, and spit up." She pointed out.

"You smell like my baby's mother, and I like it." He whispered.

"You are a sick man, Gummer, but I do love you." She laughed.

"I love you, too." He said as the door bell rang.

"Now who on earth could that be?" Meryl asked.

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