Chapter 28

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The last few months of Meryl's pregnancy went by fast. By the end of her pregnancy, Meryl was ready for it to be over with. She was tired, cranky, swollen, and just overall uncomfortable. Don tried to make it as comfortable as possible for her, but she explained there was nothing he could do. He would massage her back every night and kept her busy by playing games and watching TV. Both of their parents had offered to come and stay until after the baby was born to help, but Don said they were fine and Meryl wanted to do it by herself with Don. She didn't want to become dependent on their mothers. She wanted her and Don to learn together. Don was also afraid that if his mother came then his father would come as well and he was NOT comfortable with that. As the due date got closer, the more nervous Don got. He couldn't wait to hold their baby, but he was scared to death. He was afraid he wouldn't be a good father, he didn't have the best example, and he didn't want to let Meryl know how scared he was. He wanted her and the baby to have the best of everything and deep down he was afraid that wouldn't be him in the father department. He was also nervous because she was over a week late. The doctor reassured both of them that it was normal for a first born and there was nothing to be concerned about. They tried everything: spicy food, long walks, and even orgasms. Nothing worked. Don tried to remain calm, so she would remain calm. He wouldn't go to sleep until he was sure she was asleep and resting comfortably, he was wearing himself out, but he didn't care.


It was 1 am on Tuesday morning, November 13th. Meryl woke up feeling a pain she had never felt before. She thought maybe it was a braxton hicks contraction until she felt a gushing between her legs, and knew this was it. "Don, wake up, baby." She said shaking him.

"What is it, Darl?" He asked still asleep.

"It's time." She said.

"That's nice." He mumbled rolling over causing her to roll her eyes.

"DONALD! I'm in LABOR!" She shouted shaking him.

"WHAT? Okay, you okay?" He asked shooting straight up.

"No, I'm in labor." She said exasperated.

"Oh, yeah, okay." He said starting to run around the room throwing on his clothes. "You need help? What do we do?" He said clearly panicking, causing Meryl to laugh.

"Babe, take a deep breath." She said walking over to him and taking his face in between her hands.

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" He asked.

"Yeah, but you need it more." She laughed. "It's okay. Call the doctor and my parents. I'll get dressed. Oh, get the bag." She said throwing on her clothes.

"It's already by the door with the baby's stuff." He said as he went to the phone and called the hospital and a cab, then her parents. "Harry, I'm sorry for waking you up."

"Who the hell is this?" Harry asked.

"It's Don, Dad." Don laughed.

"Oh, Don. Is she? Is it?" Harry asked excitedly.

"Yeah, her water broke and we are on the way to the hospital." Don smiled.

"Okay, we are on our way. We'll be there as soon as we can, in the waiting room, this is yours and Meryl's time." Henry said.

"Thanks, Dad, be safe, bye." He said hanging up and turning to her. "Ready?" 

"Yes, OHHHHHH." She moaned doubling over the bed in pain.

Don went behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Okay, breathe baby, breathe. That's it." He said as she stood up.

"We better get going, this baby isn't fooling around." She said turning around to face him.

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