Chapter 25

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The next few months flew by. Meryl had finished filming Kramer vs. Kramer. They had bought the loft next door and Don had knocked down the wall and renovated both lofts in order to have enough room for his studio. It was important to him to have his studio in the apartment once the baby came so he could be there if Meryl or the baby needed him, and he could relieve her when she needed it. He was also trying to do as many commissions as possible in order to save money, and so he could take some time off when the baby came. Meryl was busy with press for The Seduction of Joe Tynan and getting ready for the baby. She was also doing some press for Kramer vs. Kramer as the movie would be coming out right after the baby was born and she didn't want to have to deal with it then. For the most part she was nesting and enjoying spending time with Don before the baby came. She was getting bigger everyday and Don was taking care of her and easing her uncomfortableness as much as possible. They were still going out for date nights every week, but the doctor was right, they weren't having sex as often. Meryl wanted him, but she just felt big and unattractive. They showed their love for each other in other ways. Despite the lull in sex, they were happier than ever.


It was the night of the Joe Tynan premiere, Thursday August 16th, and Don went into the bedroom to wake Meryl. He hated to, she hadn't felt well all day and knew she needed her rest, but he also knew she would be upset if she overslept. He knelt down beside her head and brushed his lips across hers.

"Time to wake up, beautiful." He cooed.

"No...sleep." She groaned.

"Come on, gorgeous, you need to wake up." He said as he combed his fingers through her hair.

"This is too relaxing. I could stay like this forever with you running your fingers through my hair and talking to me." She croaked in a sleepy voice as she slowly opened her eyes.

"If you get up then I will give you a foot massage tonight." He promised as she slowly sat up. "I knew that would do the trick." He laughed.

"As always." She laughed. "Don Man, come sit by me, there's something I want to talk to you about before the premiere." She said. She had wanted to talk to him all day, but just wasn't feeling well. She wanted to warn him about the movie.

"What is it?" He asked doing as she requested.

"You know I shot that movie right when we met, before we were serious." She said.

"Yeah." He said.

"So, I haven't really talked to you about it." She explained.

"Meryl, I know you have an affair with an Alan Alda. I've seen the commercials." He said.

"My character has an affair with his character." She emphasized. "I just want you to be prepared. There are love scenes in this, he undresses my character, and I undress his." She said.

"What do you mean 'undress?'" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"It's all tasteful, I promise. I just don't want you to feel weird. It's JUST acting. You are the only one I want to undress me in real life, well, when I lose weight." She laughed.

"I love undressing you." He winked. "I can't promise I won't be jealous, but I'll try." He said.

Meryl just smiled at him. She knew this was all new to him, and he was really trying. "I know. To be honest, I did that movie on autopilot. I had just lost John and wasn't really feeling anything, I just needed the money to survive. Alan was a great friend to me. Then I met you and you turned my world upside down." She said stroking his cheek.

"In a good way, right?" He asked making her laugh.

"In the best way possible." She said placing a slow kiss on his lips.

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