Chapter 30

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It was Friday November 16, 1979. Baby Henry Wolfe Gummer was only 3 days old and his parents were taking him home. After several days in the hospital, Meryl was recovering from the cesarean nicely and the baby was eating and healthy, so it was time to go home. Meryl and Don had taken parenting and CPR classes before leaving the hospital, but Don was more nervous than ever. He felt like Meryl and Henry's safety and well-being were now in his hands. He didn't want to do anything to let them down, but was afraid he would.


"Don, we could have taken a cab home." Meryl commented as Don helped her and the baby into the car.

"And trust someone else to get you two home safely? I don't think so." He said as he helped Meryl in the back of the car as she held the baby.

"Why am I sitting in the back seat?" Meryl asked.

"It's safer back there." He said making Meryl laugh. "What? I'm serious." He said seriously.

"No, no, you're right." She smirked when he wasn't looking. She had a feeling that he would be driving both her and Henry crazy. 'Typical first time Daddy.' She thought.

"Okay, are you two okay?" He asked turning around once he got in the driver's seat.

"We're fine, babe, let's go home." She winked.

"Okay, here we go." He said as he nervously pulled out into the intersection going about 5 miles per hour while people were honking and screaming at him, it was New York City after all.

"Don, you can go faster." She finally said, this ride was taking forever.

"No, you just had surgery, I don't want to hit a pot hole. Besides, Henry is only 3 days old." Don said as he was driving as slow as ever.

"Babe, we're both tough, it's okay." She tried to convince him.

"No, just sit back and we'll get there when we get there." Don said not taking his eyes off the road and driving with his hands at 10 and 2.


The 10 minute drove took them almost 30 minutes. Meryl couldn't help but smile at his concern and cuteness, even if it was driving her crazy at times.

"Okay, easy, easy. There you go." He told Meryl helping her to sit down when they walked into their apartment with their new baby. "Okay, what do you need? Hungry? Want some water?"

"Don, come sit down. Relax. Don't you want to hold him? You have hardly held him." She said.

"No, I just like to watch you." He smiled looking down at his son in his wife's arms; he didn't want to tell her the truth-he was scared to death.

"Don, he's your son. You need to bond. Here." She said handing him over. Don looked down at their perfect baby and began to tremble. "Don, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing. Listen. I am going to make sure the bassinet is ready to go." He said getting up going to their room. Even though he had set up the bassinet in their room weeks ago.

They might have only been married for a year, but Meryl knew her husband, there was something wrong. Something he wasn't telling her, and she just prayed he wasn't having second thoughts about having a family, having children. She knew he was scared, but hoped that after the parenting class and the nurses at the hospital being so helpful and encouraging that his fears were gone-they obviously weren't. Meryl walked into the bedroom and saw him sitting on their bed with his head in his hands. He didn't even hear Meryl come in and lay their son in the bassinet. She quietly walked over to sit next to him on the bed and leaned her head on him. "Don, baby what's wrong?" 

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