Ch. 3 Little Pink Pearl

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Authors Note: This chapter, and many of Sang's Point of Views, include triggers. Please read at your own discretion. Sang's and Kayli's Point of Views include torture, non-consensual rape scenes, and emotionally disturbing content every once in a while. I will include a warning before I include the scene, but I wanted to include an author's note early on so that you readers are aware of what to expect.


Sang's POV

Location: Dontavion's Playhouse

Date: 2 years after The Kidnappings


Not too hot, nor too cold...

I'm dreaming again, or rather, I'm in one of my recurring nightmares.

Len told me that the next time I was aware of it, to pay attention to what was going on, and to hold on to the memory of it so we could discuss it further when I woke up.

With that in mind, I focus on paying extra attention as soon as I realize I'm in a dreamscape....


Exhaustion and nervous energy pull at my body as I quickly follow a lanky, dark-haired girl into a grey, two-story house. For a moment the girl looks a little like Kay'ari, (Kay-are-ee) but her form slowly becomes clearer as I focus harder on her.

On closer inspection, this girl lacks Kay'ari's height and her confident aura. This is someone else, a stranger, and the unfamiliar house I'm walking into gives me the creepy crawlies.

There is an echo of noise behind me as I walk up the driveway, but I don't turn around...

When we get to the door, the girl looks behind me with a smug type of expression that seems off to me. She turns back to open the door and rushes inside without saying anything. I hurry in after her.

The soft knick of the lock sliding home in the door-frame sounds behind me and my dream self doesn't think much of it.

For the real me though, it sends chills down my spine and sinks down into my bones. Locked doors rarely end well for me.

I have a minute of walking through the unfamiliar house before I'm stepping into an almost empty living room. It's very sparse in furniture, and lacks any decoration, except for a large metal and glass shadow box that I can't see inside of from where I'm standing.

It seems out of place in such a bare room.

A middle-aged man is just walking in from a hallway across from me, and someone else is behind him. The angle changes, and I can see a gun, pointing into the back of the older man and a white mask on the face of the 'someone else', right before tears obscure my vision.

"Volto," my voice fills the room, even though I, the real me, am just observing,"What are you doing?" 

The sound of my voice shocks me; It is considerably louder than I've been able to manage in a long time.

Rodney enjoys making me scream, and it's all but ruined my vocal cords. I can get to a little louder than a whisper on a good day and the sound of my voice nearly at a shout is almost unrecognizable.

"I'm here to help you." The person in the mask exclaims, "Where have you been? And what are you wearing?" The person with the white mask has a voice modifier, so the voice is all mechanical noise and a deeper pitch than any human voice could reach.

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