Ch. 50 Owen, Nathan, and Dakota, Oh My!

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Sang's POV

Location: AngryTown

Date: End of November


  You'd have expected two guys who perfectly executed a kidnapping to be a little more on guard.

It's laughable, really. When I came to, I expected to be a million miles away in some safe house. Which is what Leninora had warned me may happen in the company of Gabriel and Lucian.

Instead, my head was in Luke's lap and they were arguing in whispered tones. An impeccably clean car as the setting of this charming little discussion.

"I just can't believe you!" Luke hisses in an exasperated tone. His hand glides through my hair, a comforting gesture.

"Will you stop!" Gabriel sighs. "I'll take any blame she wants to lay down. It's going to be fine." 

Their conversation came out like they'd been arguing for a while. 

What they should have been doing was monitoring my consciousness rather than worrying about who I was going to blame.

I was lucky that they'd stopped in front of their apartment and had this discussion.

It made kicking their butts that much easier. Add in the anger I feel from their little backstabbing bullshit and it was sad how quick I made mincemeat out of them.

Now, I've got Gabriel stuffed in the trunk, and Luke handcuffed to the backseat 'oh-shit' bar.

Luke is refusing to speak to me, mostly because I bruised his trachea and he's still pouting about the cock-shot. That's what he gets for kidnapping girls and having them so close to their vulnerable parts.

 I have no idea which way is home, and neither of the boys carried a phone with them for fear of Victor or Corey realizing their plans and tracking them down. Or so I imagine.

I asked Luke for directions and he directed us right back to their apartment, so he clearly can't be trusted.

So, instead we're just driving around until I see something familiar. I'm not the best driver, and Sacramento is quite a busy and large place but I think the road I've found leads to the Lockheart Estate at some point. Maybe.

"Are we going the right way?" I ask Luke conversationally.

I glance at him in the rear-view mirror and he shrugs at me.

It's a split second. 

I look into Luke's eyes, feeling a little bit bad now that he's angry at me. It's ridiculous, because I'm the one that should be mad. Gabriel and I were having this great moment. For a split second, I felt like I was really connecting with a past part of myself.

And then they kidnapped me! 

He lifts his shoulders and my gaze runs over his pouting lips that are still turned down.

I open my mouth to apologize.

And then we're out of control.

The car swerves in circles, and the airbags deploy.

I'm so glad I made sure to buckle in Luke.

I hope to hell that Gabriel is okay. I shouldn't have locked him in the trunk. Oh goddess, I might have killed Gabriel by putting him in the trunk.

We crash, hard. The seat belt cuts into my chest and the airbag feels like it punches me as hard as it can. I flail like a rag doll.

A tree stops us, or so I guess from the branches that bust in the windows of the car.

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