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Hayes's POV

After an hour she fell asleep and I layed her back down.

Dear god, this girl really is a work in progress.

I sighed and walked back into the living room.

Half the guys were asleep, half were high off caffeine, and I was about to pass out.

"Hi Hayes. How'd it go?" Nash yelled.

"How many cups of coffee did you have?"

"23" he said, jumping up and down. "AND IT WORKED"

I nodded. "I can see that"

"What'd y'all do in there?" JJ asked, jumping on the couch that G was sleeping on.

"She cried. A lot. And screamed. A lot." I said.

"One question.....were you safe?" Shawn asked, tapping the table.

"Safer than ever. Since nothing happened" I smiled, laying down.

"Are you going to sleep?" Nash asked, putting his face inches from mine.

"Can got back the fuck up?"

"You can't go to sleep. We're pulling an all nighter" he yelled, yanking me by my arms down the hallway.

"Please let me just sleep" I begged.

"NO! Go have some coffee and we'll all go swimming"

"Half of us are asleep."

"We're gonna throw them in the pool"

"Of course we are. Excepts Ambra"

"Why not Ambra?"

"If you do, you're considered a certain dead man"

"I know" he laughed.

I was sitting in the kitchen, eating a pop tart with the guys, when Ambra came out.

"Can't believe you guys actually threw us in the pool" Aaron whined.

Ambra pulled a big bottle of whine out the fridge and drank right outta it.

"Thanks, Hayes, by the way" she said, as she sat at the table and took another drink.

"No problem" I smiled.

"Hayes, if you guys don't stop you're never aloud to help her again" Matt said, eating cereal.

"Oh whatever" I sighed.

"I gotta go" Ambra said.

"Where?" Matt asked.

"Out. Meeting up with some people."

She paused before she left.

She came back to me, leaned over, and kissed me for a while.

Then she pulled back.

"You really want me dead don't you?" I sighed.

She laughed. "K bye guys" and she left.

I laughed nervously and looked over at Matt.

Ahahahahahaha. Fucking dead 😂😂

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