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Ambra's POV

I patiently tapped my foot as I waited for Matt and the guys to pull up.

I didn't have to scream or be angry at them.

Not because I didn't want to. I really really wanted to.

But I knew once Matt found out about these racist assholes, he was gonna flip his shot for his little sister being arrested for the "first time ever" because of her trying to get her bike from the park.

I heard the front doors open as all of them were here.

"Ambra, what the fuck is going on?" Matt yelled, immediately. 

"Well, you're gonna love this." I laughed.

"Don't start getting smart. What the fuck happened?"

"Calm down. I didn't do anything! I was going to this party. Everyone was going. I was gonna ride my bike. But I left it at the park. I go to get it, and my key snaps while I'm unlocking it. I start trying to find a new way to get it out, and then these cops wanna start getting in my face, saying I'm stealing. And then, when I said I could take them a block over to my own home to show them I really was who I said I was, they threw me to the ground, hand cuffed me, and when I finally got back up, they threw me down again. While my hands were locked behind my back!"

He stared at me. "That's all?" "Yes!" "Are you sure you're not lying?" "Matt, I could find ways to pull up the parks security cameras if you really don't believe me!"

He nodded, slowly. I didn't see any reaction.

Then he sighed and went up to the front desk, and that's when he blew up.

As he pretty much demanded to talk to the cop who arrested me, screaming at the lady at the front desk, I turned to the boys, smiling.

"I guess I was arrested cause I'm black." I sighed.

"How do you know that's what this is about?" Taylor said. "Cause I heard the cop say 'just another black stealing things' or some like that." I shook my head.

"Are you serious? You should tell Matt that, that's fucked up." G said.

I nodded, as Matt walked back over. He smiled a forced smile. "The two cops who arrested you will be out here in a few minutes."

"Did I mention? They arrested me cause of my skin color." "What?"

I nodded, sucking my teeth. "Yea, I heard him say it."

"OK, don't tell me anything else, or I'm gonna fucking kill them."

I laughed.

"Why're you so calm? It's weird." Nash said, looking at me, confused.

"I'm not. I guess I'm bitter, right now. The entire ride here I was screaming and kicking and threatening. It might not of helped that I threatened to kill the cops."

Hayes laughed. "You did? Oh my god." He laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"They provably could sue you for that." He laughed.

My jaw dropped. "Oh shit." I mumbled.

The one cop walked out from his office. "Hello, I'm officer Gary." He said. "Where's your partner?" I asked, immediately.

"He already went home." Gary faked a smile.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you, why you arrested my little sister, for trying to get her bike out?"

"You see, sir, she was shaking the bike and trying to pull it out. It was around midnight. I couldn't help but get suspicious. And, if you didn't know, the town curfew for children under 18 is 11PM"

"I didn't know that, I'll talk to her about it later-"

"And I do know that you're 18, but why aren't the parents here?"

"Because our moms on business and our dad is...outta the picture."

"I should of guessed" The officer smiled.

"Should of guessed what?" I snapped, and by now the guys were trying to back away slowly.

"Guessed that's why your brothers here. Parents are a little busy."

"Listen, I also am aware there was something your partner and you said while my sister was placed in the car, about her race. Maybe you think she didn't hear you, but she did."

The officer raised his eyebrows. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Matt sucked in a deep breathe. "I'm trying to stay calm, officer, but if my sister says she heard a racist remark, then she did. So I'd like to know why."

"Maybe she's making things up, maybe because she wants to have a reason for why she was arrested? The only reason is because she looked a little suspicious."

"You said-" I started to yell.

"Ambra, let me handle it." Matt said.

He sighed, then yelled "OK, so I'm gonna need you to apologize or I'm gonna have to beat the shit outta you and you're fucking partner!"

"Is that a threat?" The officer smirked.

"Yes the hell it is!" Matt yelled.

"Matt, we should go. It's not worth it. These things happen all the time anyways."

"But they shouldn't!" He yelled. 

I looked at the guys, who were almost all the way out the door, for help.

They pretended like they didn't know us.

I yanked Matt's arm towards the door. "Lets go." I said through my teeth.

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