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Ambra's POV

"W....uh....what do you mean-uh-that I'm not pregnant?" I asked the doctor again.

"I mean, the drug store tests are 97.9% of the times correct. Sometimes, in very rare situations, are they wrong. You're very lucky"

"Lucky? How am I lucky?" I yelled.

"Ambra...aren't you happy?"

"No! Cause I told all the guys....and Matt. Oh shit. And my older brother, the Matthew Espinosa, that I was pregnant. And now I'm not! Now I'm not! Now they know I thought, and was at risk, of pregnancy"

"Ok, doctor, thank you so much for your time." Hayes forced a smile,  yanking me up by my arm.

He yanked me out the door.

"What an I gonna do?" I yelled as he drug me out the building.

"Maybe you could of bin polite"

"I mean with the guys"

He rolled his eyes and turned to me.

"What do you always do?"

"Flip them off. But....it's bigger this time"

"Ambra, a week ago you would've told them you murdered a guy with a I don't care look and then kicked their asses if they tried to yell at you. What's different?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I feel like....like I deserve this. I deserve them to scream at me, I deserve mom and Matt to disown me, I deserve you to ignore me."

"Ambra, the best thing just happened. You aren't a teenage mom! That's great! They can't be mad at you. Or....they can. But they won't be as mad as if you were pregnant. You did something stupid and got a scare out of it. But you aren't pregnant, and everything's gonna be fine. Plus, as you've told me before, you're boss ass bitch. You're really scared of them?"

"Scared?" I scoffed. "Hell no"

"Well you're acting it"

"Shut the fuck up, dickhead"

He smiled. "That's the Ambra I know. Now common"

Course we all need a Hayes in our life^^

Kinda short.

But that was the twist^^

She ain't pregnant
It was a mistake.


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