Chapter 6

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Anna spat sand out of her mouth as she groaned, struggling to sit up only to realize that Nikkolai was sitting on her back. Kenny lay beside her, quickly jumping up only to kick more sand in Anna's face as he lunged at Nikkolai in a mad fury, his hospital gown blowing open in the wind.

"Give me back the necklace!" Kenny shouted reaching towards Nikkolai.

"No, I am going to save my brother!" Nikkolai cried as he jumped back, allowing Anna to sit up, as she wiped the sand from her face, watching the interaction before her as the two Wizards squared off.

Good grief, they were going to cause a scene as passerbys were eying the weird group of people. Luckily, this was a beach occupied by mostly Wizards, their beach houses spanning the shoreline. Still, they needed to not be so loud. She muttered a silencing incantation, surrounding the trio in a bubble where they couldn't be heard as she placed the tip of her wand against Nikkolai's throat. It was too dangerous for him to attempt to change the past. Plus, he made her eat sand, that was unforgivable. She spat out more sand, gagging at the taste in her mouth, scratching her nose as she let out a soft sneeze thanks to all the sand that got kicked in her face.

You are causing a scene.

Kenny blushed when he realized he was still in his hospital gown, quickly conjuring a change of clothes to his body, trading the light blue checkered gown for a pair of cargo shorts and plain t-shirt to counteract the summer heat. A few Wizards were glancing over, observing the interaction in interest, but not intervening figuring it was just a lovers quarrel. Stupid simplistic minds. Nikkolai, was a problem though. He had to put a stop to the boy. His grief was going to cause problems if he did anything else stupid.

"Anna, you of all people should know how it feels to lose someone," Nikkolai cried.

She shook her head, tears welling in her eyes as she remembered not only watching his own brother die, but a few short years later, her mother too. Yes, it hurt to lose them, but she wasn't going to risk destroying reality just by trying to prevent their deaths.

"Put down the wand, Anna," Nikkolai pleaded afraid of the murderous look so similar to Michael Noble's in her eyes.

"Give us back the necklace," Kenny ordered.

"I am going to save my brother!" Nikkolai screamed. He threw the necklace on the ground, crushing it into the sand with his foot.

"You idiot! You just destroyed our link to the present! We are stuck here!" Kenny screamed as he lunged forward pulling the necklace out of the sand, trying to fit the pieces back together. He didn't have the power to make a new necklace, especially just waking from a coma, his magical energy was still weak.

"Now, you have no choice but to save my brother," Nikkolai grinned.

"How is saving your brother going to change anything?" Kenny snapped as he glared at the ignorant boy before him.

"Because my brother is a powerful Wizard. He was a child prodigy like Derek," Nikkolai snapped.

Anna nodded her head in agreement. Kasim was really a force to be reckoned with. He was well on the path towards becoming named an Elder upon graduating with his vast scope of abilities. Derek had the potential to become an elder too, but he lacks control of his abilities and emotions as was the case on that day Kas was lost.

"If we save him, we can create a paradox!" Kenny screamed.

"Not if we bring him to the present with us," Nikkolai snapped. 

Anna shook her head, breaking away from the arguing boys, her cat like hearing picking up on something. She went storming towards the family beach house to investigate.

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