Chapter 41

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Wren and Leona arrived to find the international Council headquarters was in chaos. Anna and Kas were trying to get out of the center of the building fighting back hexes from the International Council members that were all strong supporters of Michael Noble. Wren noticed a few were hesitant to act and were trying not to harm the two teens despite Michael's orders to take them down at all costs.

Not only were Kas and Anna there as part of the Resistance, but that Samir guy that defaulted from the Egyptian Council head's home and Leila were both there. Kas was insane to only involve four Resistance members against a Council of ten and various task force members in acting as guards. Even Lineas, one of the Elite 8 was there and he was his own force to be reckoned with.

Wren knew the guy didn't want to actually kill someone. Of Bethany's selected team, he was actually one of the decent human beings she had selected. With his tragic past, Wren understood why the man didn't want to kill children, but he was still a loyal man and would not betray those he worked for either.

Leona was an entirely different case. She was having way too much fun throwing deadly hexes towards her opponents. The girl had been raised to be a ruthless murderer. Her own father made sure of it when he raised her in hopes she would one day rise to take the Captain position on the task force, a position he was slighted when Stryker had been selected over him. The man still held a decade old grudge because of it.

Wren noticed that Kas wasn't as crazy as he looked. Kas was impressive in summoning several of his contracts at once to help in the fight. Michael looked frightened by the demon army the man had on his side soon realizing that a few demons quickly overpowered the Wizards in the room.

Kas wasn't instructing his demons to harm them, they were creating a path so the Resistance members could escape. This man really was a tactical genius when it came to plans and battle. Wren locked eyes with Anna as she clung close to Kas, firing back hexes into the crowd. He always had a soft spot for Anna and was glad to see that she was safe and still a badass dueler.

Wren noticed the demons weren't attacking him as he moved through the crowd. That must be Kas's doing. Or, Amon's. He had his own high ranked demon that commanded respect, especially considering with the selection that Kas had chosen to summon. It was easier to control several lower level demons in a battle compared to a bunch that was all high ranking. Wren was slightly jealous that Kas was able to get his demons to get their own subordinates to fight his battles. Amon never wanted to listen half the time when it was just the two of them. He wouldn't trust allowing the demon to use his own legion in a battle without fear of being stabbed in the back.

Speaking of being stabbed in the back, he better find Leona. She loved pulling dirty tricks and would try something when everyone was not looking. Navigating through the mess of demons and wizards was a pain, especially with so many black haired people in the room, Leona blended in well.

Wren's eyes widened at the shadow blade rising from the ground behind Anna's feet. He needed to warn her but stopped as Michael's eyes locked with his. Warning Anna would reveal that he had switched sides. Amon chose to appear against Wren's commands and shove Anna out of the way. She looked up at the demon in shock as she struggled to mutter a curse. Amon went flying back, landing gracefully at Wren's side.

"What the hell, I didn't call you here!" Wren snapped.

"Master, I wanted to join the fight." Amon bowed a sly smirk on his lips.

"You hate fighting!"

"The Noble sisters are fighting," Amon said before disappearing.

Wren knew Leona would try and hurt her sister. He went rushing to find them before either made the mistake of killing the other. Leona wouldn't care if her sister died, but if Leila were to win, she would never be able to live with herself.

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