Chapter 23

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It was broad daylight when the rescue party of six arrived on the Irish country side. The trial was scheduled to begin soon and they knew they would have to break into the trial itself in order to rescue Derek's brother. Derek sighed, inhaling the scent of the ocean surrounding them. Now he understood why Voisin didn't protest his tagging along on the rescue mission. He was in the optimal environment to enhance his Elemental magic. Here, the ocean was an unlimited source to his power.

"Spell-master, what's the plan?" Leila questioned as she glanced over at Voisin.

Voisin turned his attention towards the castle, closing his eyes as he used his tactical magic abilities to sense how many were present for the trial. Derek followed his gaze, studying the giant castle before them. This was the Irish Council headquarters, ideally placed out of the way of the city in the middle of an open field making it difficult for sneak attacks. It also made it difficult for prisoners to easily escape. They could run the field in plain sight or risk death by jumping over the cliff's edge into the rocky outcropping in the Ocean below.

Voisin opened his eyes, sighing at the difficult task before them. The odds were really stacked against them at the moment. The trial was packed and was standing room only. It looks like almost all of Northern Europe had chosen to attend the trial of an accused Elder.

"The odds aren't in our favor, are they?" Spell-master Domingo questioned as he studied his comrade's facial experssions.

"Not all are foes, though. We may be able to gain their aid in battle," Voisin sighed.

"Sir, will we be able to pull off this rescue mission?" Samir questioned.

"Voisin is very skilled in battle, I am confident we will succeed," Spell-master Domingo explained.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, we can't be sure," Voisin mumbled.

"I agree with Spell-master Domingo, let me lead the charge and we got this in the bag!" Derek grinned pushing forward.

Derek gasped as Voisin yanked him back by the collar of his shirt. Voisin's eyes were full of annoyance as he glared down at the boy, upset with Derek's reckless behavior. It was too risky to blindly charge in without a plan in mind. Derek could end up getting everyone killed, or worse doing the deed himself if he raged out again.

"Slow down, devil," Brie smirked.

"Shut up, pixie!" Devan protested as he glared over Voisin's shoulder at Brie.

"Derek, you are in charge of keeping an eye on Brie. Brie, please don't kill Derek," Voisin ordered.

"This should be interesting," Leila groaned eying the two teens.

"Sir, what should I do?" Samir questioned.

"I need your casting speed. You will act as the second line of defense and protect Leila. Leila needs to be able to get us out of here if things go south. Derek, Brie, and I will head the frontline of the rescue. You will be here with Spell-master Domingo to stop any spells slipping past and hitting Leila," Voisin explained.

"Of course, sir," Samir nodded.

"Well, now that is settled, let's attack!" Derek grinned rushing forward.

Voisin didn't have time to stop Derek's impulsive actions as they boy muttered a blasting spell, causing the ancient bricks to crumble aroudn the castle's exterior leaving a large hole. Derek pushed his way through the smoke grinning at the sounds of shocked screams from the Wizards present in the room. He felt spells firing his direction, quickly dodging them as he let the smoke dissipate around him, revealing his identity.

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