Chapter 9

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"Yes, this is my technology." Maxwell Lord looked at the bag, turning back to the two females in the room, "Mind telling me where you found it?"

"Inside a bomb that destroyed a lab yesterday," Katie answers, fidgeting with her bracelet.

Alex noticed the small laugh come from him, "You don't seem concerned by that."

"I'm very concerned with how my technology ended up in a weapon since I don't make them," He tossed the bag on the table, leaving his office, "but not with becoming your suspect."

Alex ushered for Katie to follow her, "And why is that?"

"Because it was my lab that was destroyed. It was a subsidiary of one of my companies. Not that it's public knowledge."

Katie was taken aback from that statement, "And you didn't think to share this information with us?"

"I prefer not to rely on the government to solve my problems."

"Any idea who's targeting you?"

Maxwell laughed, spreading his arms to indicate all the work in the room, "I'm trying to change the world, Agent Danvers. So anyone invested in maintaining the status quo would be interested in targeting me."

Katie frowned, "That is conveniently a large suspect pool."

"All right, well, let's narrow it down to former employees with access to the lab, who know how to modify the tech, and have a personal grudge against you."

"I guess now we know who's the brains of the outfit."

Katie rubbed her arm, noticing a ping on her phone, "Well, you'll be glad to know that our director is leaving her behind to protect you." She quickly left the building glad that Henshaw had called her in for more physical training, but it was obvious that Alex was a little annoyed by the fact that she was left alone with him.


"Tonight, Maxwell Lord launches his super train on its maiden voyage, with this..."

Kara pulled her chair out, taking a seat, "You know, I didn't get my first cell phone until I was 16. True story. Are you sure there's nothing I can get you? A snack? A juice box? Anything that will make you happy-"

"Supergirl! Captain Marvel!" Carter suddenly sprung from his seat, seeing the two blondes on the screen.

"Oh." Kara opens her mouth, "Oh, you like Supergirl and Captain Marvel?"

"They're so cool." Carter's eyes skimmed across the multiple T.V.s, "Last week Supergirl stopped Reactron, Superman never did that. And earlier Captain Marvel held up an entire building. And they can shoot lasers from their eyes."

"Wow, they do sound pretty cool."

"I didn't say they were pretty."

"I didn't say you said they were pretty. Why? Do you think they're pretty?" Kara slightly cringed for that fact that Leah was technically his older sister.

"Well, I guess. I don't know."

"Carter, do you maybe have a little crush on them?"

"You got good taste kid." Winn grins, can't help but hear their conversation.

"This is my friend Winn."

"You're Supergirl and Captain Marvel fan, huh? You know..." Winn leans forward whispering, "I know her."

"No, you don't," Carter says.

"No, you don't," Kara states more forcefully, her eyes wide as she looked at him.

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