chapter 1 | the prologue

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If it wasn't for her mother, she wouldn't be the person she was today.

But, it was cause of her father that she became what she is, at this moment.

It was never simple since the death of the their mother, it wasn't simple at all. Alcohol, low money despite working two jobs, depressive father... but I'll spare the details for now.

" Stop, please, stop! " Alexis yelled at the man in front of her. She was in the corner of the room, watching, praying for it to end.

He was beating up his little sister, but she was too young to stop him. She wasn't strong enough.

" You're just like your mother, pathethic and always crying. " he spat on her and left the room. She crawled towards Emily, and tried comforting her. But, she couldn't stop herself from sobbing either.

" We have to go, Em. It's not safe for us anymore. We have to run, and far. " She whispered to her little sister, as she tried to clean up the bloody nose. " This is what mom would have wanted. Our safety. And living with dad isn't safe, it never has been. "

" No! He's a good man, he can change! Please Lex, we have to stay. We have to help him. He can be better! " Em sobbed. Alexis never believed it.

Ever since the death of their mom, the father took over. But he wasn't doing to well himself - being a single father of a 1 year old and a 7 year old at the time, working two jobs... it took a toll on him. He tried to be a good father but, the jobs took over his life, leaving Alexis and Emily alone, starving most of time. But he did it so that they can make it into school, which happened, happily.

That was until he went out one night on his day off, and from there, they didn't know the man the once was.

" Em, you either run with me or you don't. I don't believe him! He's not getting better, it's been 5 years of this, Em. We have to go, now. " Alexis dried up her tears, rushing around the room and stuffed her things into a small duffle bag.

But her little sister didn't move. She watched her sister frantically pack and mumble her words.

" I'm not going with you. " Alexis stopped dead in her tracks, she stopped what she was doing and looked at her. " You told me I either go with you or I don't. And i won't. " She paused. " I believe daddy could be again and I believe he'll come back. " Emily was a smart 6 year old.

She couldn't believe her ears. She looked at her sister as if she was crazy. Which in reality, she kinda is.

" But go. Be happy. Run away, I know you hate daddy. So leave me. " And then, Alexis slapped Emily across the face. " Are you hearing yourself right now?! "

For a 12 year old, she had a big attitude.

Emily didn't flinch since she was so used to the pain. Alexis just knew, that wasn't right to do, but it wasn't right for her to be okay with the beating.

She sat on the bed for a few minutes, thinking. Should I run away and leave Emily here? Or should I stay and die in this hell hole?

" He's coming back. " Alexis said, chucking her duffle bag out of the window. Guess she was leaving. " You have 5 seconds to jump out with me. "

" 5..." You could hear the foot steps walk up the stairs.
" 4..." They looked at each other intensly.
" 3..." Emily.
" 2..." Alexis.

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