Not Just Shooting for Pictures

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Thanks for the OC's I got! They will be useful! But those will be the only ones for now until I let you know if I need more!



A knock came to our door. I was watching TV with Sapphire and Crystal when we heard it. The three of us peeked out of the entertainment room to find no one rushing down the stairs. I shrugged and advanced to open the door.

In a flash, Fia, in the same dress she wore at my wedding, rushed down the stairs and opened the door to a set of strangers with cameras.

"Hi," she introduced herself, "I'm Fia, Sky's girlfriend. Welcome to our home. The boys and the rest of their girlfriends and wives will be downstairs soon. Come in and make yourselves at home."

Crystal chuckled, nudging me, "When did she become so hospitable?"

"No clue," I whispered.

"Who are they?" Sapphire questioned sweetly. No one could resist when Sapphire asked for something. She just got it. There was a reason Quentin chose her anyways.

"I don't know," I told her, shaking my head. Then I noticed Adam, in a nice-looking tuxedo, come down the stairs and latch arms with Fia. They lead the people into our living room, opposite from the entertainment area. Crystal, Sapphire, and I tiptoed over to spy on them, but were stopped by Tyler, also in a suit, his brown hair slicked back.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Uh… I don't know what's going on," Sapphire started to shiver, and Crystal warmed her up using her hands.

"Photo-shoot? Did you girls remember it was today?"

I gasped, "No dur!" Spinning towards the girls, I caught them in shock, "Today is a freaking photo-shoot! I forgot!" I spun to face Tyler again, "Thank you!"

Grabbing Crystal's hand and Sapphire following behind, we ran up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it.

"We need to get ready," I demanded. They both nodded their heads.

Five minutes later, miraculously, I had picked out dresses for myself and the girls, done our makeup, powdered our noses likes pros, and fastened on our high heels.

I finally unlocked the door, allowing Crystal and Sapphire to hurry out. I figuratively "leapt" out of the room, closing the door behind me and taking my time to walk down the stairs. Glancing around as I took each step, I found Preston, in a suit and tie, and Tyler chatting amongst each other. I hurried over to them.

"Where's the others?" I quickly asked. Preston pointed to the entry to the backyard. As fast as I could, I rushed outside to find a girl standing at the doorway. The girl had long and wavy ginger hair, green eyes, and she stood about average height. She handed me a rose.

"You were almost late," she shyly told me in a British accent, "I'm Lia. If you need anything, just let me know."

I gave her a thumbs-up, "Got it." Turning away to join the couples, I slightly rolled my eyes. Focusing back on the location of the group, I noticed Mitch and Jerome laughing their heads off near the blue-colored pool. Running up to my lover, I tapped him on the shoulder, spinning to face his back when he figured out that someone tapped him. Mitch instantly looked towards Jerome.

"Jerome," he growled.

His friend put his hands up, shocked that Mitch would consider him a suspect. "I didn't do nothing, Benj."

"You didn't do nothing?" Mitch sounded out each word precisely.

Jerome fiercely nodded, his eyes wide open.

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