The Show Must Go On

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Sorry for such the short chapter and the long delay, but this is a good one. The protagonist loses it and you get to watch the action all unfold!

Meanwhile, in real life, I've has been getting noticed by my bae and other famous MC Youtubers. I've also been uploading videos onto Youtube, including one that will be up when you're reading this. If you're new, the channel name is supersmashgalray! By the way, if you ever wanna play Minecraft, hmu on Twitter. That's where I post all the stuff I do, including retweeting Noah's tweets and talking to my followers!

And now for Chapter 26! Enjoy!


The phone next to me vibrated. My arms had been wrapped around my knees, so I only glanced over at the screen to see Laurel's caller ID. Rolling my eyes, I let go of my legs and answered the call, returning to a normal position.

Laurel's voice slightly shook. "Hey Ray."

I chose to ignore her nerves and just apologize, oblivious the next minute's conversation. "Laurel… I'm sorry for earlier… I don't know what got over me…"

"Zenna set you up with a therapist," she blurted.

I stopped, lifting my eyebrows. "Wait… huh?"

"Her name is Ms. Machinson…"

Hearing the first part of that name gave me chills up my back. Kae wouldn't become a therapist… so it had to be Ashley… I gaped open my mouth and growled. "No! Don't you dare!"

"What is so wrong with her?" Zenna interrupted, who seemed okay with the idea of sending me to a killer.

"Who invited her into the call?!" I demanded, annoyed by Zenna's abrupt entrance.

Laurel nervously chuckled. "She thought of the idea herself."

"And you let her?!" I enunciated the l in let.

She sighed, speaking a touch of pity? "I trust Zen… and I don't wanna see you get hurt…"

"But with freaking Ashley?! She's tried to kill me for years! She kidnapped one of my best friends recently and kept her hostage inside a house for two days! Ashley is allied with one of my rival enemies!"

"Ray… I'm sorry…" Laurel seemed entirely oblivious to the situation.

I groaned. This had to be the first time I had gotten that angry with someone. "I'm totally sorry too… I'll see you soon."

"Ray!" Laurel shouted, realizing her horrible mistake.

"Bye." I instantly hug up the call, jumped out of my chair, and stormed down the stairs leading into the entryway where Fia and Carter had just come out from the backyard, holding empty champagne glasses. Fia noticed me first and smiled. Her sarcastic look drooped as soon as she saw my heavy breathing.

"Ray?" Fia placed her cup on a side table and walked to my side. She sat me down on a cushioned bench as my hands flew to cover my face.

"Are you alright?" Carter questioned. I glanced up at her, leapt up, and hugged Carter as tightly as I could.

"I'm quitting Hit List. The pressure…" I spoke into the fabric of her shirt. The girls could barely hear me, but enough to reply.

"Ray… you can't just bail out… That's not you," Fia begun, a tone of hope appearing in her voice, "All of us have known this is what you wanna do. Some of us wanna record Minecraft, some of us like playing instruments or being artsy… you want to be a star. Nothing as silly as this should stop you from your dreams."

I paused in my train of thought. About to say something about Scott being a pain, my brain warped into an alternate memory. I smashed my teeth together, my eyes glued to the wooden flooring. They didn't know my story. They didn't know what I've been through. My whole entire family was wiped away before my eyes. Everyone thought I had died as well. "Threats aren't silly! Draco has someone he says is special to me and I can't figure out who! I'm scared for their life and mine! Whoever he has kidnapped has a connection to me and if I try to save them, we'll both be screwed! Ashley on the other hand has made herself a freaking therapist in order to twist my mind and make me believe some crap that probably doesn't exist! And Laurel and Zenna set it up! I thought I could trust those two… but I guess not. I know who my true friends are now. Worst of all, I think I'm going absolutely insane because Mitch and most of my friends know of nothing that's going on! I'm frightened to tell them! Carter, Fia, you guys are the most important friends to me… and I don't want you to get into my mess. For some reason I was pulled into this against my will and I don't even know why! It seems like Caleb started this madness and now Allison and Draco have followed in his footsteps! Same with Ashley, Kohta, Zenna, Tiff, Anna, Scott, Desmond…" I burst into tears, pushing my forehead against Carter's shoulder.

"I say you keep doing Hit List. If you hear anything about any of these people, including Draco's hostage… you come to us… and we'll help. Fia and I promise you," Carter whispered, "We've been on your side for years. Nothing will break our friendship. Especially when you need it."

"As you theater people say… the show must go on," Fia declared, grabbing my hand. I glanced into her sunglasses and found a spark of light bouncing off the fancy ceiling chandelier. "Let's hang out and share gossip about Mojang's EULA."

I chuckled. Minecraft and its problems. "No…" I continued chuckling even as Fia paused. "I have something else to do."

"Can I ask what?" Carter queried. I hadn't realized she never left the room.

"Private information." My eyes darted away from my friends' as I caught myself mischievously smiling.

"Oh…" Fia smirked and I watched her eyebrows lift, "Alright. I'll let you be. Carter? Shall we obtain more of that delicious drink?"

"Yes, yes we shall!" Carter laughed out loud, linked arms with Fia, and bounded off into the kitchen, picking up their glasses on the way. I giggled, sighed, and ran up the stairs and straight into Jerome's room. Mitch and Jerome sat next to each other on the bacca's colorful bean bags, laughing their heads off about something I didn't know.

"Mitch!" I announced, my arms crossed, showing off my independence to the boys. Jerome raised an eyebrow, surprised by my surprising confidence, "May I personally speak to you in our room?!"

"Of course, m'lady!" Mitch seemed relieved to be seeing me happy again. I recognized it had been awhile since I had been alone with Mitch. He wanted to do things with the boys around town, while I preferred to stay home by myself. Although it had never been the same since Clara's death, I still was desperately in love with my husband. I would never betray him and would never try to put him in harm. That was the only reason I hadn't made contact with people. I didn't like to see people get hurt by my actions.

Once across the hall, Mitch slowly closed the door behind his back and kept his eyes on me.

I leaped onto the bed and crept under the sheets. For a moment, I closed my eyes and felt the peace of the current silence. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at Mitch… and my heart beat out of my chest and I could barely breathe. Mitch followed my movement and climbed into bed as well. His hand wrapped around mine and I found my sight set on him and only him. If that's what true love feels like… I was under a spell.

If Hit List didn't turn out like I imagined and something went awfully wrong, at least I had my love and the hope that all of my dreams would come true.

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