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I found this a very sweet and thoughtful chapter to write. The final OC makes her debut and problems from Draco's point of view are resolved.

If you haven't already, watch the latest videos on my Youtube channel because I need all the support I can get! All info is in my profile!

(Anything super-duper important will now be underlined and bolded for importance. Duh)

As for future stories, I have planned to take a few weeks' hiatus to gather ideas for Legend Part 2 so don't expect a new story directly after Dreams ends. This is just an early reminder, but I will post more in upcoming chapters.

With three more chapters left, start adding questions you need answers to in your reviews! I will answer any and all questions in the author's note of my final chapter!

Enjoy Chapter 37 of Dreams!

Draco POV

I strapped a sports bag across my shoulder as Lia and I entered LAX Airport. A taxi had dropped us off from the hotel we'd stayed at for two weeks and I couldn't have been any happier to get out of LA. Lia however, trudged beside the whole time, mumbling to herself and tweeting from her phone. She had 2 constant followers and 10 followers in total, so I didn't understand why she kept tweeting even though no one listened to her. In fact, I'd been fed up with Lia's actions since the incident in the warehouse with Jade. When I thought it was all over, Lia just had to screw everything up and get herself into even more trouble.

I hid my face in a black and white striped hoodie so the people around us wouldn't recognize me. Several cops eyed me on the way to the security line, but I ignored them because they didn't bother me. I worried mostly about security. Lia's recent activities had gotten her into trouble, and the last thing I wanted was to not make it on the flight.

Eventually, Lia and I arrived at the security check-in line. I pulled out my passport and flipped down my hood. One person to our left stared me down, and I instantly knew this person knew me from somewhere. I chose to look back at them for a split second then return to gathering my items. After that, I hadn't felt any more stares besides for cops, who I didn't worry about at the moment.

We reached the front of the check-in line and I showed the assistant my passport. She smiled towards me, so I faked a friendly smirk to avoid chaos. The lady handed me back the passport and motioned for me to go through. Lia was able to go through as well. I took a sigh of relief, but I was completely oblivious to the following event.

As I passed through security scan with a breeze although the police recognized me as a former convict, Lia had to stop before continuing. That's when I heard a loud beeping noise. Slipping my shoes back on, I spun to find Lia being patted down. The security cop grabbed a picture from another cop and glanced back and forth from the picture to Lia.

I could barely hear the first cop grumble to his partner, "This is her." With three swift motions, I never saw Lia again. I could only suppose she had gotten her revenge for attempted murder on Jade, a legally blind woman, something even I wouldn't have done.

While walking down the hall towards my flight deck, I took deep breaths, glad that it had been her instead of me. I was tired of the blame, the fights, and the jealousy. In my opinion, Lia and I needed to restart our lives, and obviously she couldn't handle it.

Once they called my section up to board the plane, I was the first one in front. I placed my bag in the upper storage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat, next to the window. Lia's seat would have been to my right, but she wasn't there, so I was alone.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon