Rescues and Plans

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I am so sorry for the delay on this chapter! I had such a hard time on it... I turned to two other authorso on who I'm officially thanking in this A/N. However, this entire chapter is my writing, as I thought of an idea last night at 10 at night.

I also had a pretty tough few weeks with school, so I needed to relax and take a break. This chapter also got me really stuck on detailing. As you know, I have this entire story planned out but when it comes to exact details, I lack. I hope you guys understand why this came out so late. I have no clue when Chapter 17 will be uploaded... it depends how long it takes me to write it.

But you now have an excuse to follow me on Twitter: cause Ty (deadlox) is as well. Who wouldn't want to follow someone that Ty follows? Lawl... if you don't have a Twitter... don't worry bout it... :D


All my mind could focus on was getting back to Adam. Since my boyfriend was a sensitive guy, I knew for sure that he worried for me. At least I was able to get that one call in before Ashley, Allison, or Kohta noticed. Hopefully someone would show up and help me out a bit. It also sucked that I hadn't heard from anyone else for practically the entire day, including Ray, who I worried about.

Probably six hours passed by before I realized I hadn't seen Kohta in forever. Allison sat directly across form me; Ashley had to handle something on her own terms, which I didn't care to know of. Allison's eyes were closed, her mouth in a slight smirk. Nothing she did frightened me. Although I wasn't fearless, Allison wasn't a person to be afraid of. Ashley on the other hand... she was a piece of work...

A knock on the front door scared me. Allison leapt to her feet and hurried to the front door, whispering to someone, most likely Kohta. I almost fell backwards in my chair, but the wooden legs caught me. I shut my eyes tight, hoping that it would be someone that wouldn't try to take advantage of me. As I attempted to calm myself down, a pair of hands grabbed themselves against the back of my chair and dragged it... with me... away from the current location. These hands weren't strong, which meant it was Kohta, so it took a while for her to reach the correct location. As soon as I opened my eyes again, I noticed a blank door in front of my eyes. It was at that moment I realized I was stuck in a dark, enclosed space... aka Kohta's closet. Yeah, that's right. My captors hid me in a closet. They really couldn't have picked out a better spot? Now that I think about it, it was a good thing...

"You showed up!" Allison sarcastic voice's rang out, "Where's the food?"

"Right here!" A man's voice replied, obviously nervous. From the way he spoke, I could tell this voice was Seto with the take out food I told him to bring to Kohta's. Adam must have told him about me... hopefully he wasn't here as well... If Allison found Adam there to save me, everyone would've been screwed. Mostly him. I could obviously take care of myself. But how did Seto find the address? I made sure I hid it everywhere... "Where's Fia?"

Allison faked a soft chuckle, "Upstairs. No need to worry about her. Come in! Come in!" As the footsteps of Seto and Allison became louder, I begun to bang the edge of my chair against the door of the closet. One of them paused next to the door, and I stopped, holding in my breath.

"What was that?" Seto questioned, trying to draw attention away from himself.

"Nothing," Allison responded, "Let's head into the kitchen so you can put that food into the refrigerator." The sounds of their shoes and voices faded as they walked away from the closet.

I sighed, leaning back on the chair. As I lost hope of Seto opening the door, I heard a tiny click coming from the lock on the doorknob. Someone had picked the lock on the closet door. When the door swung open, I ended up looking eye to eye with Kae.

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