Callbacks and New Songs

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Over 2000 words doods! Hopefully you'll get even more chapters this good! See, I'm not sure if I'll be doing 40 chapters for this story, but I got some crazy ideas that you won't wanna miss out on. They all start in Chapter 12, which is NEXT CHAPTER. WHOA!


The callbacks were strange. First, the producers, plus Amy and Laurel, had selected a particular song from the listings, Original. Then they had Anna and I, the only two for the role, sing the selected song by ourselves. Afterward, the producers brought us onto the same stage so we could duet the song using improvisation. Clara happened to sneak in during my solo performance, so she was able to see both my solo and the duet. When it came to the duet, she knew exactly what to expect, and so did I. Anna, on the other hand, completely freaked out, although keeping her complaints specifically to me. I ignored them, focusing on the song and the actual callback instead of Anna.

"Rachael Hughes. Anna Malcolm! Please come out to the stage for your duet!" the man in the suit from the audition called out, motioning for us to walk out. On the stage, there stood two stands with two microphones. I took the place on the left side of the stage, while Anna stole the right. We both wore similar outfits: white shirts, blue jeans, and converse. She had neon pink ones while I stayed with classic black.

Anna begun once the music counted off, one hand on her hip, the other around the base of her microphone. "Way back before she hit the scene.

And she became the indie queen.

She was a girl with nothing big to say."

I continued with the simple lyrics. I stayed close to the stand while Anna instantly took her mic off. "Her mouth was full of silver spoons.

Singing her dime a dozen tunes.

'Til she came up with something new to play."

Anna over-exaggerated the lyrics into her hand motions. "A girl so scarred, a pain so real.

A life so hard, becomes a song you feel."

I finished off the first verse strongly. "Her tracks were leaked and all the hipsters freaked.

She made herself a star."

Both of us burst out singing, surprisingly in harmony. We pulled our mics off the stands and "She wants, she wants, she wants to be original.

She will, she will become something remarkable.

Who cares, who cares, who cares what stunt she has to pull.

She'll be remade as somebody original."

I started the second verse. "Way back before the interviews.

Before her music made the news."

Anna took my last line from me like stealing candy from a kid. "She was a nothing no one talked about.

A mousy girl behind the mic.

One more vanilla look-alike."

"'Til she decided to stand out."

"And now it's crazy clothes, a brand new name.

A fixed up nose and monster fame."

I decided to return the favor by taking the lines that Anna was supposed to sing. "Though she might say that she was born this way.

She made herself a star." I smirked as I sang that phrase, glancing over towards Anna. She glared back, finally realizing what I was trying to do. The producers liked me better, and she knew it.

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