Meeting the Cast

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Another long chapter done! This didn't take nearly as long as the last one, but this past week I've been super busy with school! At least this next week is spring break, which means I can keep up with chapters! A second reason why I haven't been updating this story is that I've been planning both a series for fanfiction . net (Legend Part 2) and an upcoming Merome fanfic called Kingdoms Lost, which I'll update you about when the time comes. Just to let you know, the video last Thursday was never recorded, so this means that you still have a chance to be in it!

Enjoy the chapter! A few more OC's arrive... one may get a little on your nerves... he got on mine while I was writing the character's personality and stuff...


A week past since the tour bus incident. Of course I was still shaken up, but I think it was worse for Preston, knowing that he was also being targeted. I hoped that he wasn't in danger during any of my rehearsal and stayed close to either Rouge or Team Crafted just in case. I trusted Rouge ever since she told me a secret about herself. No, I'm not telling anyone's secrets… yet. Not unless they want me to.

The theater for Hit List rehearsals ended up being inside of a small local theater in Burbank, not too far from the Team Crafted house. Clara lived twenty minutes away from me, so we planned for her to drive to me, and carpool with me to the theater. Didn't feel like a bad plan. Manageable.

"This is actually happening! Being cast as the main parts in a musical totally makes up for the tour bus!" Clara jumped for joy in the passenger seat of my car as I parked it in the lot. We hadn't talked much since last week, but it seemed like she seemed happier when she was around me.

"I wonder who we'll be working with," I commented. Then I heard a loud mass of high-pitched screams. Clara and I covered our ears from the stinging pain. We looked around the parking lot for the location of the screams. As we ran to the entrance of the theater, Clara and I spotted around four dozen girls surrounding a young man.

"Scott!" "Scott!" "OMG it's Scott Teich!" "You're amazing!" "Marry me!" The girls shouted, all attempting to get closer to the man by pushing past the others.

"Ladies, ladies!" he yelled over the enthusiastic shouts in a slight German accent, "Calm down! I have a musical to rehearse for!"

"I'm coming to all of the Hit List shows just because of you, Scottie!" one of the fangirls screamed.

"Well thank you, ladies," the man, who I figured out was Scott from his name being shouted everywhere, told his fans. Glancing around, he noticed Clara and I giving him awkward stares from a few feet away. He winked at me, forcing me to cringe back "But I must be on my way. My co-star is here."

"Scott! Who's your co-star?!" "Yeah, who's playing Amanda?!" Everyone seemed to want information, but Scott only chuckled.

"If you would only let me through, I could tell you."

At this instance, the fangirls instantly split, letting Scott easily walk past them and into my sight of vision. He had silky black hair that partially draped over his dark sunglasses and down the middle of his neck. His skin color looked to be naturally pale but covered by a nicely done tan over his whole body. The first thing I noticed about his wardrobe was the obscurity of his color choices. With a red and white striped tank top, saggy blue jeans, and green converse, I questioned why these girls were so obsessed with everything he did. At least the girls who followed Mitch around weren't completely stupid. Mitch was actually good looking. It's not like Scott wasn't… but obviously not my type.

The girls gaped as Scott walked over to Clara and I. I gave my friend a glance before being asked. "And you are?"

I snapped my head towards the man, whose grin gave me chills down my back, "Are you talking to me?"

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