Party Time

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Yay! Fun chapter this time! Again, school has been a pain and I've been doing a ton of stuff as usual. I wrote this chapter at 1am this morning, so I'll probably be really tired when I post this.

In this chappie, Jerome gets his party and some minor drama happens that includes Tyga and Jansen. You'll have to read to find out though.

Enjoy the chapter!


"Party time!" Jerome shouted.

Mitch finally allowed Jerome to host a party in the TC house. He knew Jerome wanted a party ever since we moved in, but there had been so much chaos and drama that there was no time to have fun in LA. Now that everything had been settled out, Jerome got his party.

I woke up an hour after everyone else that morning. I'd been up late recording videos with Noah, who I'd bonded with since the Youtuber Hunger Games. We played six games in total before almost falling asleep on our desks and bursting out with laughter at one in the morning. He was still in Canada, and couldn't come down to LA due to personal issues. I was a bit upset about Noah not coming to the party because he was now one of my best friends, but I understood his situation once he told me about it. During recording, I almost awoke Mitch, which would've been a bad idea. Mitch didn't like being woken up when he slept as a result of spending hours on end recording his multiple series that exhausted him. Not to mention, I spent a lot of time with Mitch as well.

When I reached out to touch my alarm clock, I squinted my eyes to see the time. 12:30. Turning to my side, I realized Mitch had vanished. He wasn't in bed, wasn't in the bathroom, wasn't searching the closet, and any other place I'd expect him to be. Instantaneously, I leaped out of bed, glanced at the clock a second time just to confirm the time, took a warm shower, dried my hair so it wouldn't be wet during the party, did my makeup, and begun to hunt my side of the closet for a perfect outfit. Finally I found a familiar dress that surprisingly still fit me. It was purple with small ruffles at the neckline. I slipped on my little black sandals. I almost burst into tears upon remembering the party before I "died." Fortunately, I kept my cool, brushed through my hair with my fingers, took a good look in the mirror, and opened the door.

I bumped into Mitch, which was very lucky.

"Ray Ray." He dreamily gazed in my chocolate brown eyes. "You're gorgeous." He'd gotten into the habit of calling me "Ray Ray." It always sounded adorable when he said it, not like those other bullies from my past who hadn't come back into my thoughts for years.

"You're just saying that," I teased, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not just saying that, silly Ray. I'm talking about the real deal. A star."

"Aw. You're so cute Benja."

He looped my arm around his and escorted me down the stairs as if I was a princess. We entered the entertainment room, where the party was located. I saw all familiar faces and those who I'd talked to through Skype: Jerome, Carter, Fia, Adam, Tyler, Preston, Jason, Brooke, Ian, Zee, Quentin, Sapphire, Ty, Crystal, Caleb, Jade, Seto, Kae, Mat, Poppy, Dakota, Cloude, Allison, Brotato, Megan, Jordan, Lexi, Ryan, Emma, Allison, Kohta, David, Joe, Light, Avery, Melody, Joshua, Kitty, Dan, Piper, Ck, Rain, Rosetta, Luna, Bobby, Zenna, Miden, and Rose. Some of those people I had not talked to or seen in forever. But as I talked with each individually or in their certain groups/couples, we became quick friends even if we'd been enemies before.

Luna was included in this category, especially with the whole scenario with her dating my husband in Washington. During our conversation, she attached to Bobby the entire time, sharing the moments of their romantic trip to Europe, and not bringing up anything about hating me.

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