Phone Calls

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Not much to say, except... For those of you who have a Youtube account, I'm daring you to dislike my newest Ghosbusters video... cause at 8 dislikes, I'm gonna post my subscriber special!

Enjoy the chapter... there's a lot a stake here... especially for Preston... you'll see.

Preston POV

Another long day ahead. Three battle-domes, four Hunger Games, a Capture the Wool yet to record, trying to get my sister out of trouble, and dealing with Tyler. Everyone else had their own plans or dates, with their girlfriends. Just cause I didn't have a girlfriend didn't mean I couldn't have fun. Right?

I sat in my chair… in my bedroom… staring at the blank screen of my laptop. This wasn't supposed to happen, I thought to myself, Lia was supposed to like you. And then you could be normal again. Everyone hates you. Mitch gives you a billion torches every single battle-dome. I chuckled at that, but quickly stopped due to the loud shouting from across the hall.

Tyler called out "Hey Preston! Do you happen to have Lia's phone number?!"

"No…" I grumbled, and turned on my laptop for the fifth time that day. At the photo-shoot, Lia gave me a piece of paper with a phone number written on it. When I tried to call it, the number connected me to a completely different person. With no other way to contact her, I resorted to looking her up on the Internet. The only place where she might have been on through social media: the Doctor Who Club at her high school.

Searching through possible profiles on Facebook, I came upon one girl in particular: Rouge Blackburn. I clicked through multiple pictures of the violet-eyed brunette arm in arm with Lia, both girls with huge grins on their faces. They wore matching white T-shirts with blue English police-box (Tardis) pre-glued stickers, along with the title of the show, Doctor Who, and a picture of David Tennant next to Billie Piper (The Eleventh Doctor and Rose Tyler)… I had to search them up (A/N: I already knew this, but Preston, the cactus, did not). Behind the girls stood a cardboard cut out of the same police-box. The world of fandoms was new to me, and I did not understand it at all.

Luckily, I found a cell phone number for Rouge. I typed it into my keypad on my own phone. Guess what? It turned out to be the same number that Lia gave me. Unlike the billion times that the call disconnected, someone finally managed to pick up.

"Hello?" a girl's voice broke through. She seemed unimpressed.

I stumbled on my words, expecting something else to occur. "Hi. M-my name is Preston…"

"Ugh. I knew that she-devil gave some random guy my number…"

Surprised, I backed away from the screen, staring at the number and then putting it back to my ear. "You knew that Lia sent me to you?!"

The girl growled. "Of course! I'm not dumb! As my best friend, she wants to set me up."

"With me? I don't even know you."

"That's what I keep telling her!"

"Rouge…" I chuckled, "That concept's stupid."

"How do you know my name?"

There was a brief pause before I cleared my throat, "I wanted to know why Lia gave me the wrong number. Facebook solves all problems."

Rouge seemed to forget about my stalking habits and continued. "Lia doesn't own a Facebook. Her mom is really strict about that kinda stuff. No social media for her. Rots the mind."

"You know what I say to that? Dang freaking cactuses!"


I chose to turn to another subject, ignoring my Texan childhood. "Do you know the game Minecraft?"

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