The Hunger Deans Squad!

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Extra long chapter! But I'll tell you this before you begin reading: it's hilarious!

Mitch POV

Each Team Crafted member set up their recording studios in their own rooms and we all logged into Skype. Preston and Tyler joined too. Adam contacted Mat, Ryan, and Brotato, the only other friends who could record that day.

"So," Adam begun, "What are we gonna do?"

"No clue," Brotato replied.

"How about Hunger Games?" Ryan questioned.

"Nah," Jerome told him, "Too many people in the call."

Preston piped up, "Hm… how about Head Hunter?"

No one responded. Tyler eventually cleared his throat, "To say the least… your server is not the best…"

"You cactus!" Preston screamed, "I'm gonna run into your room and pour a slurpee all over your set-up!" He chuckled, "Mitch, get the reference?"

"I do!" Jerome burst, "The day you made me a TUNA FISH SANDWICH!"

"Preston," Quentin mentioned, "You got yourself in a rotten pickle."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Preston exclaimed.

"Preston is bad at PVP," Mat giggled.

The whole call went dead silent. Then there was a tiny ring coming from Adam's side.

"What's that, Adam?" I asked.

"Someone else wants to join the call… and guess who it is?" Adam told us annoyingly.

"Jordan?" Ian queried.

"One of the girls?" Ty asked.

"Bodil?" Jason questioned.

Adam had added someone into the call.

"Hey what's up guys?!" Bashur screamed.

"Adam!" Preston burst, "It was Bash?!"

Adam chuckled, "Yeah. Any suggestions for games?"

"Minecraft Party?" Jerome suggested.

"Good idea, Jerome!" Bashur exclaimed.

"That was a good idea?" Brotato asked, sarcasm in his tone.

"Have you ever played the game?" Quentin queried.

"No… but…"

"No buts, mister!" Mat exclaimed, "We're playing Minecraft Party and that's final!"

"Mat, you're getting feisty," Jerome chuckled.

"Save it for the recording boys," Adam reminded them.

"In your dreams Sky," Ian joked.

"That means we're doing this now!" Bashur blasted.

"Are you sure about Minecraft Party?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, confused.

"How about we do a special Hunger Games? Kind of like the special videos we used to do with some other Youtubers…?"

"How many of us are there?" Quentin queried.

"Thirteen," Adam said.

"We would need more people…"

"And we can get into group of four! And it's gonna be one big happy family!" Ian exclaimed.

"He he," Preston nervously chuckled.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now