Seasons of Love

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Here it is, Chapter Tres! If you don't know Spanish, that means three!

I finally got accepted to the Team Crafted website, which is a relief to me. If you have one, please let me know what your username is so I can friend you! If you don't have one, I wish the best of luck...

Listen to any version of the music during this chapter. My personal favorite is the Glee Version. It all makes sense when you listen along. It actually all makes sense when you read... No spoilers. Except the spoiler in the title... ignore what I said. It's just me being strange.


It felt really weird being one of the older students in my theater class. But luckily, there was a collection of empty chairs towards the entrance of the room, in which I instantly took the one farthest from the other people.

I suddenly heard music coming from behind me. At first, I remained quiet and tried to ignore the music. I closed my eyes, but the music beat constantly, somewhat like how Draco's medicine affected my head...

A bit annoyed, I spun my body to find a girl listening to very loud music through her headphones. She had bright, curly red hair and dark brown eyes. The girl wore a blue T-shirt, black boot-cut jeans, black sneakers, and black headphones for listening to her music, swaying her head to every beat.

Since I saw very few students in class at that time, and the teacher was not in sight, I quickly picked up bag and hurried over to the girl, sitting in the seat right next to her. She stared at me for a split second before returning to her music.

"What are you listening to?" I questioned, peering over to the girl's MP3 player.

"None of your business," she replied, moving away her MP3 so I couldn't see.

"I'm Ray," I introduced myself, holding out my hand. She didn't react, so I put it down to my side.

"Clara." She glared at me strangely, as if I was a complete stranger, which I was...

I looked back over at her MP3, trying to find out the song. "Since you know me now, what are you listening to?"

Clara shook her head. "You're gonna laugh… I know it."

"You think so? Bring it. What song is that?" I demanded, causing Clara to chuckle.

"Red and Black from Les Misérables."

"What are you saying? I love that song."

She seemed surprised. "You don't say. Really?"

I nodded, slightly giggling. "Isn't that the point of this class? Musical appreciation?"

Clara groaned and rolled her eyes. "Sure it is. Everyone likes Grease and Wicked, not the classics."

I sighed, "Those are classics too… but Les Misérables is just brilliant…"

She smiled, shaking my hand. "I like you. Which other musicals are you a fan of?"

I gaped my mouth open, shocked at my imaginary list of favorite musicals. Trying to count them off in my head, I started listing ones that I could think of. "A lot of stuff… Everything Starkid, West Side StorySpring Awakening…"

"Spring Awakening?!" Clara created a huge grin and glared around, leaning into my ear, "Don't tell anyone… but that show is my guilty pleasure."

I burst out laughing, and my new friend soon enough joined me.

A few moments later, an old white-haired man wobbled into class, holding a binder stacked with papers. Few of them were coming out from the binder, but the man took no attention.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now