Deadlox Wedding

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I'm on a Glee excursion. Watching the whole entire show from the very beginning, starting with Season 1, which I learned to be hilarious... I now am in love with Season 1. :D

I finally have another chapter up! I may have written it at 1 in the morning this time, but that's what it means to be an writer. I'm calling my disease Owl writer-ism. Yep. Tell me if you guys also have Owl writer-ism in the reviews. It's stupid when I do this just to gain reviews... no... I actually don't... you write the reviews entirely on your own. But writing full chapters of fanfictions at 1 in the morning... maybe earlier for you younger folks...? Did I seriously just call you folks?

Anyways, I hate to ramble... obviously too late for that... WEDDING!

Adam POV

I was happy. Weddings are special occasions and if people don't get what they deserve, the day will be ruined.

My best friend Ty deserved it. He deserved this special day with his special girl. I was happy for him and Crystal. Very happy. But that was that gut instinct that it would be ruined by someone or something bad. Every wedding had to have an incident where someone got kidnapped or threatened. Couldn't let that happen. Not that day.

Brotato, Quentin, Bashur, and I laughed as we relaxed on the black leather couch in Ty's dressing room as Seto helped the groom with his tuxedo for the ceremony.

"What up, stud?" Fia entered the room, enunciating the t in stud. She fixed her sunglasses as if she were a greaser in the 50's. My girlfriend could always be a little more creative each time I saw her.

I jumped up from my seat in the couch and hurried to the door. "You're not supposed to be here. It's for men only," I addressed Fia in a mature tone, softly pushing her out of the dressing room with my right hand.

She gasped, using both hands to push me with a little more force. "Don't push around your girlfriend like that! I call that an abusive relationship!"

I gaped open my mouth, believing that she told the truth. Instead, it took Fia a few moments to notice my worry, and rubbed my back, continuing talking. "It's okay, Adam. Not an abusive relationship. Don't call the cops on me! Ah!" She put her hands up in fake surrender. I stood at the doorway, watching her act and internally laughing. A few seconds later, I spun around to find Bashur sleeping on my side of the couch. Quentin and Brotato held in laughter as I made a derp face at them.

"No," I returned back to Fia, "You really should go. Make sure not to tell Crystal about Ty."

"I can't even see his suit. All I see is Bashur taking up that whole entire couch…" Fia tiptoed over my shoulder to get a clear view of Bashur, but I laughed and took her by the shoulder, leading her away from the door.

"Goodbye Fia! I love you!" I waved to her as she walked away.

She spun around and walked backwards, almost hitting walls three times. After a horribly fake-laugh, Fia screamed out, "HA HA HA! I LOVE YOU TOO, SKY!"

"Ah!" I heard Brotato yell, staring up at the clock in fear, "Ty! You're late!"

Ty peeked his head out, letting his long hair drape over his right eye, focusing his left on Brotato. "What? How can I be late to my own wedding?"

"It's five minutes past two!"

"Oh god!" Ty yelled, racing back into his personal room, grabbing a small velvet box, which I figured out to be the ring. Within a few minutes, all of us had fixed our ties and bows and gotten ready to exit the dressing rooms.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora