The Truth is Out

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This chapter is a bit shorter than I imagined, but it has all the information left to finish the series! Yay for no more questions!

Enjoy! It's is a roller coaster only going up. Haha "Infinity" quote.

Mitch POV

I was playing Hunger Games.

The phone rang.

I let another player kill me in game and my character returned back to the Nexus lobby.

I glanced down at the number on my cell, seeing it unfamiliar. Although cautious of the recent situations of my friends and unknown callers, I answered it anyway.

"Mitchell?" I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Draco," I grumbled.

"I'm ready."

I lifted my eyebrows, shocked that he actually called, but relieved that he did as well. "I'll be asking questions that I need answers to. You will answer them."

"Fine. To start off, I was extremely jealous of Preston."

That first statement caught me by surprise. "Jealous…?"

"He was smart and handsome and all of the girls liked him… even though he was about 12. I envied his relationship with his sister. I had never had a bond like that before. I hated how he got along with everyone… But when I heard he had died… that hit me hard…"

"What did you do to Jade?"

"I blinded her many years ago with my gang… I never thought she would appear again in Washington. I think it was to get revenge on me… I'll never know."

"Why were you after Ray when you first met her?"

"I wasn't. It's just that I didn't know Preston was alive. I heard about his return at Ray's wedding… and I instantly went in for a strike… I wanted Preston to pay for my jealousy… I didn't know it would affect other people too…"

"Because of you so many people have been hurt… and I don't even know about Allison!"

He almost screamed into the phone. "Don't you dare talk about Allison!"

"What's between you two?!"

Draco calmed down enough to explain his story. "Well, I have to tell you everything or else it'll never get out. She first came to me when I was selling drugs on the streets. Allison needed a way for her brother Caleb, who was in jail, to get closer to Ray. I realized that Ray was the same Rachael from Arizona, so I set up a plan to help Allison… since of course I couldn't get back at Preston… he was dead… This caused Ray's drug problem…"

"But why do you hate Allison?"

"They got a bit out of hand. First… Caleb bringing Preston to your wedding… and then Allison kidnapping my brother… I know its because I didn't complete my task of manipulating Ray… and then she killed him! She killed my brother! And your friend got out alive!"

Brother? Johnny? "What? Brother? Johnny was your brother? Wasn't he Rebecca's brother?"

"She was my quote 'sister' too."

"So…" I paused in confusion. "What? Isn't your last name Kehtarin?"

Draco slid through these answers with ease. I was quite surprised. "Weaver was the name of my step-father. I changed my last name back to Kehtarin once I turned 18. Here it is. Rebecca and Johnny were my step-siblings. Their father married my mother in Arizona. We were all raised there. I didn't quite know that Allison and Caleb had connections to my family at first… everyone told me Rebecca's death was due to a car accident… later I figured out Caleb killed her. I also found out that Rebecca had a lot to do with Ray's high school problems."

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