The Escape

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This is kinda a short chapter, but it needed to go up. Just letting you know, it's also pretty suspenseful.

While you're reading this, I'm probably on a plane! I'll be writing Chapter 30 on the flight, and hopefully finish the story as soon as humanly possible! I have the summary with me on my phone so I don't forget what to write.

As for Chapter 29, the idea relates to the title.

Preston POV

I was tired. I was tired of it. For years, I had been worried about losing people who meant something to me. I had sacrificed my old life for Ray's safety. I had sacrificed everything. Being locked in Lia's house was the third time I'd been kidnapped. At least she wasn't holding me against Ray. I hoped Ray hadn't started to look for me. I'd rather get out of my own mess than let my older sister do it for me as always.

Lia's basement wasn't comfortable, but it was something to get used to. It was a pretty large rectangular room, with no windows, and a restroom next to one of the corner. In the middle of the space, a staircase led up to a door, which was the only exit that Rouge and I thought of. While I sat, which was what I had been doing for that week, I kept a keen eye on Rouge. I needed to make sure she could handle herself... or else I would step in and help.

I grumbled, wiping hair out of my eyes. "How long has it been since we were down here?"

"A week maybe," Rouge replied. She sighed and leaned her head against the cold cement.

I glanced towards the door at the top of the stairs. "Well, Lia's sure had the guts to show her face since then."

"We should be glad we're getting food... and that's there's everything we need to survive."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Survive. I wanna live."

"Preston... there's nothing we can do right now."

The sound of a creak in the door scared the fudge out of me. I jumped as I noticed a figure standing at the doorway above the staircase, looking down at us. My eyes squinted from the incoming light. It was Lia. I was sure of it.

Lia smirked. "Hello kids."

"You're not much older than me," I retorted.

She rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter." Lia turned to Rouge. "Rouge. Up here." Our captor commanded my friend like an animal! Rouge only stared at Lia with wide eyes, moving centimeters closer to me with each second.

"If you're not gonna respond... do I have to come down there and get you myself."

Lia took Rouge by the arm and dragged her out of the basement. She tried to pull away as I rushed up the stairs. Lia smirked as I reached the top. Rouge had never looked so frightened since I'd met her.

Then I had the most clever idea that could've saved both of our lives. Lia slammed the door and walked away, but my shoe had caught in between the door and the doorway to the basement. I pushed open the door and stepped onto the floor of Lia's kitchen.

"Hey!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Lia spun around to find me at the front door, seconds from bursting out and sprinting. "Missing something?!"

Lia's eye widened. "Preston, how did you get out?" Was she... surprised?

"Rouge, run!" Rouge, as shocked as Lia, gave me one look, stole our phones off of Lia's dining room table and made a mad sprint for the front door. Meanwhile, I took off through the back entrance. I prayed that Lia followed me instead of Rouge.

I ran as fast as I could. Every step I took, another traveled behind. I knew it was Lia. I couldn't stop. I couldn't let Rouge get caught again. I'd rather it be me than her.

Lia panted and slowed her pace. "Stop running. Stop."

I paused my run only to catch my breath, "No way."

"Well you just did."

"No I didn't."

"Come on Preston," Lia urged, "We can have so much fun. You and I. Rouge won't be useful anymore."

"Useful?!" I blurted, not daring to face her, "What am I useful for? Recording Minecraft? Is that what you want?!"

"No. Draco needs you."

"Draco?! You said that I was a distraction! But guess what?! Ray doesn't even care! It's been a week! She has her own problems! Draco's probably left you high and dry in the cold without any direction... and you keep thinking holding me hostage in your basement will help you! Isn't that right?!"

Lia remained dead silent.

I exhaled and prepared to sprint again, "That's what I thought."

"Don't you run away from me! We need each other!"

"F YOU LIA!" And with that last note, I raced to a nearby house, glancing back to make sure Lia wasn't too close. Sweat dripped down my forehead, but I ignored it. My main goal was to put Lia off track from Rouge by tricking her into thinking I had gone a different way. So I decided to ask someone if I could stay with them.

"Please!" I banged my fist against the door of the house as hard as I could, "Please open the door!"

After a few hits, a girl fortunately opened the door. She looked at least a year older than me and towered over me. Not much like a tower, but the girl was pretty tall. She had curly red hair like a flame and hazel eyes.

The girl fixed a green scarf around her neck. It covered the sides of a yellow tank top and dropped down past her green jean shorts.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Preston Anderson. I'm in trouble and I was wondering if you could let me come inside your house."

"Um.. I guess..."

I sighed and hurried into the girl's house. The girl closed the door and looked towards the couch where another girl sat. The friend seemed the same age as the girl. She pushed away thin strands of long black hair with blonde highlights out of her face so I could see little green eyes.

As I darted my eyes around the room to make sure it didn't seem suspicious, the girl with the flame hair introduced herself. "I'm Paige. That's Zoey, my best friend."

"Cool." I turned to Paige in all seriousness. "What can I do to repay you?"

Paige shook her head. "It's fine. No need for paying. I have a spare room you can stay in. In you want."

"Thank you so much. I hope I don't ruin your plans."

"Oh... don't worry about it. This is my place that I share with Zoey. It's completely okay."

"Really. Thank you." I smiled to the girls before taking a deep exhale.

Zoey continued, "The room is down that hall to your right. The second door."

I nodded and followed Zoey's directions. Upon opening the door, I found a bed and a night table. It connected to a small restroom. I stretched and slowly walked to the restroom. My hands gripped the table surrounding the sink and glanced up into the mirror at my dirt-stained face. Why had Paige let me into her house anyway?

Out of the blue I heard a voice whisper from the other room. I peeked out of the girls' guest room and into the living room, where Paige and Zoey sat on the couch I had seen earlier. Zoey held a cell phone while Paige talked.

Paige exclaimed, "You'll never guess who just showed up at the front step of our house."

Who really are Paige and Zoey? What do they want with Preston? Are they also teamed with Draco? And when will Preston find Ray again?

Make sure to be prepared for Chapter 30... cause it's got some serious stuff in it about a certain killer. But you're gonna have to wait to read the next chapter of Living on a Few Dreams!

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now