Little Benja

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I'm here! And so soon! I'm betting most of you are surprised by all of these sudden chapters!

If you haven't already and have an Instagram account, make sure to follow girlcraftftw! It's my Gabe/Noah fanpage!

Welp... here Ray, the talented protagonist, reveals a very important secret... ;)

Enjoy the chappie! Hope you like it! I enjoyed writing it!


I couldn't believe I remembered Jade's words from so long ago. Preston in a gang? Draco wanting revenge and taking it out mostly on me? It didn't add up. There must have been something more that none of us knew. Maybe if I talked to Jade...

Preston coughed, shaking me from my thoughts. He was in the middle of watching one of Jerome's Hunger Games videos and I chose to stay in Preston's room while he did so.

"You okay?" I asked my brother. Preston only nodded and returned to the video.

The door to Preston's room opened a crack. I spun around in the chair to find Mitch at the doorway. "Ray, can I talk to you privately?" he asked me. I nodded, smiled towards Preston although my brother couldn't see me, and stood. We strolled down the hallway and into our bedroom, Mitch closing the door once inside.

His words came out sharp. "There's something you're not telling me."

I raised my eyebrow, surprised at my husband's tone. "Mitch… my brother just came home from being missing for over a week! Why are you pressuring me?!"

"Cause…" Mitch explained, "you've been ignoring me and the rest of your friends for a while. We've been getting worried, especially me. To be honest, I'm now confused about our relationship."

I opened my mouth, almost speechless. "What is there to be confused about?"

Mitch shook his head, biting his lower lip before talking. "I go out to help you with Draco… and you barely acknowledge me when I return! I've been helping you since the beginning! And what have I gotten in return?!"

"Mitch…" I pleaded, wondering why he'd picked that moment to rage at my actions.

"And the thing with Scott!" He almost screamed, "How am I to know that you didn't allow him to do that to you?!"

"Mitch!" I yelled, angry at him for thinking such things. "You wanna know the truth?!"

He threw his hands at his head like a madman and lowered them for effect. "Yes! Please! I'm patiently waiting!"

I quietly groaned before beginning. "Okay… I was walking home from the rehearsal. Scott stalked me from behind but then asked if I could join him in his home, and I said only until Fia picked me up. Once we got there, Scott offered me a beverage but I refused to drink it. Then he pushed me onto his couch, talked about me being special, and covered my mouth until I was unconscious. I don't remember anything until waking up without my sweatshirt on, and Amy kicking me out. I got home and told you. And you told me to quit the musical." I had said everything that Mitch already knew, except the drink, but that wasn't important.

Mitch calmed down after the story. "I didn't mean it back then. You did amazing in that show."

"After you played B-Team with Jerome and the guys, I cried in the bathroom." I said in a whisper. Mitch barely heard me, but he did.

He kept his voice lower, but still pressured me to reveal the full truth. "There's something else you're not telling me."

I shook my head, attempting to ignore his questions. "No there isn't."

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