I Need Answers

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I'm back! This chapter took me longer than it should've!

I've been spending time doing things that needed to be taken care of (school prep, short film stuff, family time, YT channel, spending time with irl and online friends, etc.)

Here's Chapter 31! Enjoy! It's a good one!

Zoey POV

"You'll never guess who just showed up at the front step of our house."

Paige and I had my phone on speaker. Once our new roomie arrived, we recognized him instantly. He was TBNRFrags, aka Preston Anderson, the handsome single Minecraft Youtuber from Texas. The one with the horrible family past. The one whose sister was married to TheBajanCanadian. The one who always says he loves his fans. And that's why Paige and I loved him so much.

If you want to hear a backstory… ask her. I'm basically the girl with her head in the books while Paige is the charismatic bad-a**. But, Preston and Minecraft did bring us together, so I'm grateful for that.

We ushered Preston into another room and decided to call our other Preston-fangirl, Angel.

"Wait, who?" Angel questioned.

"You will never believe us," I responded.

Angel never took no for an answer, since she was our best friend. "Tell me!"

Paige grinned, "Preston TBonerFrags."

"No way," Angel gasped. She seemed awfully strange about the situation. As if she knew something we didn't...

"Told you so," I blurted.

"Why is he here?"

Paige continued. "He said he needed to get away from something... Someone has to be after him!"

"So we'll be there to hide him! It won't be that hard to feed and get clothes and take care of an extra person. I can come over if you need more help..." Angel giggled.

"You only wanna talk to Purston," Paige chuckled. However, we all knew she was right. "But sure you can come over."

"What do we tell Preston?" I asked, curious of his reaction if Angel all of the sudden appeared at our door.

"We'll tell him that we want to help him as long as he needs us." Paige had completely shifted to another topic.

"Are you saying that we're keeping Preston in our house...?" I stumbled, glancing towards Paige.

"Forever. He doesn't want to be found." My friend winked in my direction then turned back to my phone. "That sound okay?"

"Fine with me," Angel replied, "As long as I get the most time with him!"

"Hey," Paige interrupted, "We all get the same time with him... together and alone."

I gulped, "What if he wants to leave?"

Angel instantly answered my query, "You, Paige, and I convince him otherwise. We're all grown women. We can do it."

"But it's just that it sounds like we're..." I hated to think of the idea, I had to bring it up, "Kidnapping him."

"Seriously," Paige rubbed my back with her hand, "We're protecting him. Preston needs up, Zoey."

"If you say it that way..." I mumbled, "I'm in."

"Yes!" Paige punched her fist up into air. She returned to the phone conversation moments later. "Angel, are you heading over?"

"Yup!" Angel exclaimed, "I'll be there in a few minutes!" She gasped, "Oh, almost forgot, my sister Rouge is dating this guy who sounds a lot like Preston. She hasn't told me his name yet."

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