Three Months Later

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I'm back!

I really have nothing to say this time. Nothing interesting has happened. Just make sure to have feels this chapter... you'll see... Refer back to last chapter for when you need it.

Three Months Later


Everyone on the cast spent their afternoons resting or practicing music in what I liked to call the Piano Room. Well, that was because a large thousand dollar grand piano sat in the smack middle of it. David, the best musician, especially with piano and guitar, sometimes played it for fun, and Clara and I would sing along to his music. Usually, it 'd be ruined by Scott, prancing inside the Piano Room, asking for us to buy his autograph. No way I'd buy anything from Scott Teich. Stuck-up rich celebrity. What does the term celebrity mean if everyone who has heard of him is from Germany? I never dared to ask him his real reason for coming to America with Amy, but I didn't want to ask anyways.

In fact, the only person I could truly trust on the Hit List cast had to be Clara. She stuck by my side no matter what, especially after that traumatic situation with the tour bus, which Clara still seemed to make a small deal out of. I, on the other hand, shook every time I thought of Draco's grin threatening my family. However, mornings and afternoon with my friendly Hit List cast-mates managed to release all of those fears into the music and dialogue of our script. The musical and those I surrounded myself with were both my saviors and my passions mashed into one.

Clara and I were early for rehearsal one day, and we hurried into the Piano Room, prepped for another tiring dress rehearsal. She wore a giant smile on her face, illuminating the pure joy of her personality.

"Three more days until the opening night! I can't wait!" Clara screamed, wrapping her arms around my chest. I chuckled as I softly pushed her away, overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. We took a plate from the food table, filling it with fruits and vegetables. What? I wanted potato chips, but I had to be healthy before the show.

After sitting down on the bench of the piano, I placed my plate of food on a nearby coffee table. I struck a random key, honestly surprised with the calming tune it played.

"Know how to play?" Clara asked, sitting beside me on the leather bench.

"No. Can't play an instrument. Can't mix music… can't draw… paint…" I paused, "Gaming…" Biting my lip, I thought of the only game I played: Minecraft. "I'm decent at. I've only gotten this amount of subs because I'm married to Mitch, and I've posted a few dozen videos of playing Hunger Games with him."

Clara smirked, "I've watched those videos." I snapped my head towards her, my right eyebrow lifted in shock.

"You have?" I hoped she hadn't seen my most recent one. Jerome and I had recorded a few games of Block Party on the Hive that ended hopelessly awful. Both of us failed on the second round in all three games. A game I named disastrously enjoyable. Those were too many words for Jerome, so he just called it Hell.

"The latest one with you and that Jerome guy was hilarious." Well, plan ruined. Maybe all hopes be given up.

Somehow, someone else happened to sneak into the Piano Room. I heard the step of their shoe, and I automatically thought it to be Dan. He always came early to rehearsals, even earlier than Clara and I, unfortunately. The girls, Clara and I, preferred to arrive early to eat all the food, including Hot n Spicy Cheetos, my personal favorite of all of the snacks, that the crew offered us.

But this person, she didn't want food. Believing this person was Dan, I spun myself around on the piano bench, glancing up to find the demonic grin of Ashley, my worst enemy. I hadn't seen her in a very long time, so I knew this reunion would be the end for one of us. I heard she'd been busy with kidnapping Fia and keeping her hostage while Adam and Seto frantically searched for any traces of her location. At that same time, I happened to be on the tour bus.

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