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It's been a few days since my last update. The last chapter was much easier writing than this by far. It's cause I'm introducing a whole entire group of OC's in one chapter. A few characters from earlier are returning... especially one in particular... I'm not revealing any spoilers until you read!

I have produced a #Merome Machinima on my Youtube channel! Check that out if you want! It's called "The Hacker."

Enjoy the chappie!


Two days before the premiere, I decided to do absolutely nothing. Rosetta had a private rehearsal, and that meant I had a day to myself. Mitch was recording all day, as usual. Meanwhile I laid flat on my back on top of the sheets of my bed listening to music from Hit List. Suddenly, my music was paused as the screen showed an incoming call. Not recognizing the number, I answered it anyways.

"Ray, it's Laurel."

I sat up, realizing that Laurel was my understudy and I probably shouldn't be lying around while talking to her. It could be serious.

"Oh... hi," I replied.

"Do you have time today? I know that Rosetta has a private session..."

I stumbled on my words a bit, trying to get out an answer. My mind was so messed up from the previous few weeks that I needed to relax. "Yeah... I'm free..." There goes my relaxing time.

"Call me up on Skype."

"Okay, sure. What do you wanna do?"

"We're just gonna play Minecraft. I want you to meet some of my friends."


Laurel hung the call, leaving me to set up my computer and all the tools meant for communicating with another person through Skype. As soon as I logged onto Skype, I was added to a call from Laurel, who I added to my contacts far earlier.

"Hey." Laurel begun by introducing the people in the call. "This is my lil sis, Alex aka Rain, her best friend Rose, and my other friends Zenna aka Zen, her brother Miden, and Joe."

"Glad to meet you all. I'm Ray Hughes..." I would have continued, but one of the names shocked me. Where had I heard the name Rose...?

A younger female voice squealed. "As in the Ray Hughes? BajanCanadian's wife?"

"Yeah. I am." I smiled at the girl's excitement, as well as figuring out Rose's name. The tour bus. She was the girl with the fake arm who came from a rich family. It had been a while since the tour bus incident. I surprised myself by remembering.

Another girl spoke first, stopping a brief silence. Guess I zoned out long enough for there to be a pause. "I'm Zenna, the leader of Team Created. It's kinda a play-off-words of Team Crafted, but no other group has that name. I even checked multiple times on Youtube. By the way, I have about 1,000 subs at the moment, gaining more day by day. The rest of them... not so much."

One of the boys aimed his distaste towards Zenna. "Stop being so cocky sis. Sorry about that."

I chuckled, "Totally fine."

Laurel moaned. "Oh, look at who else is on your server, Joe!"

Joe scrolled through the players on his public server. "Crap. It's the Redstone Masters."

"Who are the Redstone Masters?" I asked.

"Our rival enemies." Zenna grumbled. She quickly perked up, thinking of an idea. "Quick, Miden, challenge them to a battle-dome on Skype," Zenna quickly demanded.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now