Regret and Redemption

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This chapter was written about a week ago while I was on my flight. I was honestly surprised that it reached over 1,000 words. I wrote this one in a journal... And I usually don't do that.

So, now that I'm back, I swear that I will finish this story. Legend Part 2 may be postponed a bit due to my plans at the end of summer, but I will eventually get to that. Kingdoms Lost will come either during or after Legend. And then there's a third story that I really want to write... and that may actually come before Legend. No concrete plans yet though...

This story hasn't really had the 10-chapter dramatic thing I usually write, but this chapter... it's tough.

Warning: *character death* Probably should've put that for Clara's too... Oops.

Allison POV

I heard intel from Zenna that Draco had stepped in as a supporting character in Ray's musical. Supposedly, he had done better than Scott and they wanted him to stay. It seemed Draco wanted my vision of destroying the Andersons out of the picture. Whatever had occurred with Scott, I wanted no business in. My only goal was to ruin Rachel Hughes's existence.

Ashley, on the other hand, took the whole thing a tad too seriously. Mitch Hughes found Ashley guilty of killing Ray's friend Clara, and turned in her identity to the Los Angeles police-station. As of that moment, the whole area we lived in was being searched and questioned about Ashley's whereabouts. I, in my own personal favor, took the liberty of allowing Ashley into my home until she could get her name cleared. Although doubting my close friend would be discharged, I prayed that her self confidence wouldn't evaporate.

As for that whole scenario with Ray and Clara, I specifically told Ashley to shoot Ray in the shoulder. She ended up not only shooting the wrong body part, but the wrong person. Simple mistakes like that got my teammate into big trouble. I felt it was my duty to help. And that's the reason why I hadn't gone after Ray, Preston, Fia, Seto, or Kae. Ashley needed me more. She wasn't crazy. She hadn't meant to kill anyone. I knew her better than that.

But the day came when Zenna told me that Preston Anderson was placed in thr care of Lia, his new assistant. Tiff, his old one, was placed in prison after being convicted of helping a hostage situation on a tour bus. I'd heard of that one too, but I was upset it hadn't been my idea instead of... Draco Kehtarin.

I felt as if I had a stronger hate for Draco than Ray. Draco needed to go... or I would make him. Plus the fact that he had possession of Preston made me even angrier and ready to exact my revenge.

That same day, I went on a walk. I let the cool air breeze rush onto my face. With all the stress, I had it take time and just plain out relax.

When I came back to my apartment, I couldn't seem to relax at all. Ashley wasn't where I left her.

"Ashley?" I questioned the thin air. "Ashley?"

"Allison," a voice suddenly erupted from the bathroom. I rushed inside to find Ashley sitting in a corner, slightly crying.

"Allison I'm sorry," she choked out in between gasping for breath, "I'm sorry for killing that girl... and sorry for risking your life... why do you still want Ray dead?"

That questions caught me at a crossroads. "Um... I wanna show Caleb that..."

"Caleb doesn't care about Ray," Ashley interrupted, but changed her attitude within seconds, "I really liked those moments when we didn't care about that whole Team Crafted thing... Remember when we went to the beach that one really bright day... and I forgot to bring sunglasses?"

I chuckled at the distant memory, realizing I had a lot of good times with Ashley at my side. "I had to buy another pair!"

Ashley tried to laugh but instead burst out coughing. I touched her arm and felt an icy touch.

"is everything okay?" I asked her. Ashley shook her head.

"I can't go on like this anymore... I can't live my life knowing I killed an innocent person. I realize that what we did back in Washington was ridiculous. You know why I wanted to come to that dinner in the first place?"


"Near the motel. Mitch hosted a dinner party... where Draco killed this kid... long story short... I only wanted to make Kae jealous... not end up in a mess with a girl that I barely know... And guess why I moved to LA?"


"I wanted to redeem myself... to try not to be the crazy lunatic my sister's always known me as... Allison."


"Tell Kae I love her."


"Tell Ray Im sorry for the loss of her friend... And that I've been such a jerk to her family... And to Team Crafted..."

"Ashley," I attempted to stop my friend. It sounded as if she was writing her will.

"Team Crafted... They've been through a lotta shit lately..." Ashley sighed, "I feel bad for Adam and Fia. They didn't do anything but help their friends."



"What are you doing?"


"You keep on apologizing..."

"Because I'm leaving."

I gasped, "Wait... Leaving?"

"The deed has been done already. It's just starting to kick in..." Ashley held in her breath as if she were in immense pain. Then I realized what happened.

"Ashley... You're killing yourself."

There was a silence before I went on. "You used those needles I was saving for Fia." Later that week, I planned to poison Fia so she wouldn't bother us anymore.

"I can't live on being a murderer. You may but I can't." Ashley took a great gulp of air before continuing. "Kae loves me. She's the only family I have. I've already messed up my life... She doesn't have to carry the burden of me... A sister who kills people. Caleb may not care about what happens to you... But I'm sure betting that Kae does. I love her... I love you too... But I have to make a decision... well, I did."

"Ashley." I had never cried before. I have to admit that I cried during that final embrace. I wrapped my arms around Ashley's waist as she whispered her last words in my ear.

"I made the right choice. Goodbye my old friend. Goodbye Allison."

I didn't watch her eyes gloss over, since my head buried itself in the shoulder of her shirt. I could hear myself sobbing... I had cried more in that span of 20 minutes than I had ever cried about anything else.

Eventually, I called the ambulance so they could check her body. They knew she was dead, but no one cared to tell me. However, I explained that Ashley committed suicide and that she was the "the theater killer."

Although I was sent to prison for a month for being an accomplice, I honestly didn't care.

Ashley was right. I couldn't bear to kill myself, so I had to do something... Or else Caleb would never forgive me.

Oh.. What's Allison gonna do now that she's not after Ray? How will she deal with no more Ashley? Will Ray and Team Crafted ever find Preston? Find out in Chapter 31 of Living on a Few Dreams.

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