Do I Stay?

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Only five more chapters left until the trilogy finale!

Okay. I started school yesterday and in the process of taking an AP English class as well as juggling the filming of my Youtube channel, and trying my best to finish this story so I can continue with what you'll read below.

I have a question for my loyal readers. Would you rather have Legend Part 2 out after Dreams ends... or would you prefer a special yet decently short 4th story of the Alone in the Wild series? I thought of an new idea which I think you'll like. Whichever one has the most hashtags and wins, a summary will be posted on Chapter 36. Post #legend for Legend or #wild for AITW. So make sure to vote!

*For Wattpad readers, I have not posted the Alone in the Wild series, so if you want that to be uploaded put #wild in your comment.*

Now that that's done with, enjoy this chapter! It's the deciding event of our starring antagonists' futures!

Allison POV

I sat alone for hours at the phone, waiting for a way out. Another target possibly… in another city. I felt my life was ruined. I had direction. No friends. No tasks or responsiblities…

When I answered my phone on that first ring, I couldn't expect who was on the other side of the call.

"Allison?" A girl's voice asked. I didn't recognize this voice from any past events.

"Who is this?" I questioned.

"Jade. Caleb's girlfriend."

Upon hearing Caleb's name mentioned, I shivered. I hadn't talked to my brother in months and never met his girlfriend before. How was Caleb able to be forgiven so easily by Ray and Mitch after all he'd done? Well, as I realized further, Caleb knew he had bigger plans ahead, including a girlfriend named Jade who seemed practically normal. Caleb had definitely changed ever since our business with the Andersons started.

Caleb was the type of guy who didn't give a crap about what others said. It's what made him so popular in high school. It's what got him connections to almost everyone we worked with. Caleb gave all if his heart into getting what he wanted.

Plus he was so smart about it too. Back in his high school days, he was at Ray's side for as long as he could just so she wouldn't leave him for another guy. Matter of fact, she eventually did… but that's only a memory.

Caleb always lived in the present, thinking about his next plan or how to get out of a sticky situation. When he was in prison, Caleb reached out to me in order to bust him out. Once done with that, he moved back to the "Ray problem." My brother never had anything against Mitch. He was just deeply in love with Ray and refused to let go. Obviously he let go.

"Anyone there? Hello?" I stopped in my train of thought, remembering the phone call.

"Hi. Hi. Jade, it's Allison." I replied, somewhat stumbling on my words.

"Glad to finally talk with you. Caleb is a great guy, you know that?" I remained silent as Jade noticed my uncomfortableness. She continued, "You probably already know thought. You're his younger sister."

"It wasn't cotton candy and magical rainbows," I snarled.

"Hey, calm down. I didn't mean to offend you." Jade skipped straight to the point. "Caleb wants to meet with you."


"He heard about Ashley. Caleb wanted to make sure you have a place to stay and everything you need… He told me not to say this, but I can't lie to you. You deserve so much better."

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora