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This is a super long chapter. This is extremely similar to Chapter 4, but I don't need you guys to go back and read it unless you want.

I have decided that I will continue with Legend Part 2 as my first story after Dreams. The other idea for AITW kinda slipped away cause I didn't write it down... bad choice... however, I'm planning a few week hiatus after Dreams just so I can take a break from fanfiction. As for some of my other stories, Scars to Remember is discontinued unless further notice; plenty more one-shots, the collab with NinjaMaster220 still in the works, Kingdoms Lost also still in the works. I sure have an interesting plan for the future of raydoesminecraft.

Make sure to watch my newest Machinima, Skywars! if you haven't already. If you have, watch it again! It's totally awesome, and includes the voice talents of GabeCraftFTW, one of NoahCraftFTW's closest friends (Subscribe to Gabe cause he totally deserves it: ).

As for this chapter, I'm sure you'll all like it. From here on, as I mentioned before, there won't be too much extreme drama because all of Ray's problems have been resolved.



It had been a week since my conversation with Mitch. We'd been hiding the secret ever since. Mitch and I came to conclusion that it was about time we told the others about the baby.

On that lazy Tuesday, everyone sat in the entertainment room, watching an episode of some reality TV show I didn't care much for. Preston, one of the only ones not into the show, perked up once Mitch and I entered the room. "Hey guys. What's up?"

"Ray and I have to say something very important." Adam paused the TV when they noticed we weren't just joking around as usual.

After a moment's pause and Team Crafted staring us down, I glanced over towards Mitch. "Go ahead." He elbowed me and I raised an eyebrow. "Hey! You brought it up."

"It was your idea."

I rolled my hand, grasping tighter onto my husband's hand. "Just tell them already, Mitch."


Brooke got extremely curious and questioned us. "What is it?"

Mitch finally slipped the news. "Ray and I are having a baby."

Crystal gasped, clasping her hands together. "A child?! Congratulations!"

Jerome pouted his lips, imagining a baby in the house. "Aw baby Benj and Ray. So cute."

Mitch crossed his arms, his attention focused on Jerome."It gets even better."

Ian asked, wondering what Mitch would reveal next. "Yeah?"

"Jerome finally gets his party. I sent out a Facebook event planned for this Saturday."

Jerome jumped up and grabbed onto Mitch like a stuffed bacca toy. "Yes!"

I laughed. "We knew you would be excited."

There was a knock at the door. Sapphire, the closest, stood up, exited the entertainment room, and opened the door to find Caleb, Jade, and two very familiar people.

These four people entered the entertainment room, shocking all of us.

Fia spotted her gothic cousin within seconds. "Kohta?"

Adam glanced at the seclusive brunette in the back of the group. "Allison?"

Caleb explained the girls' presences. "I brought them here."

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now