Living on a Few Memories - Finale

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This is it! I'm finally done! This is the last chapter of Living on a Few Dreams with a surprise ending!

I unfortunately received no questions about me or the story before this was written, so please enjoy the last chapter of Living on a Few Dreams! I worked very hard to get to where I am and I appreciate all the support you have been giving me on this series!

*Notice how this chapter's name is similar to the Wishes chapter finale except that one has Dreams and this has Memories.*

Seven Months Later


She had Mitch's eyes. The ones I adored for years and yearned for whenever I got into trouble. The ones that became the Prom King to my Queen and eternal lover.

She had my nose. Small, feminine, innocent. The nose that Mitchell Hughes fell in love with. The nose that smelt the flowers as I took each steps closer to the wedding platform. Closer to him.

She had Mitch's charm. Each time I was down on my luck, he cheered me up and made me feel belonged again.

She had my bravery. The bravery that lasted me through the worst years of my life. The bravery that led me to where I was on that Sunday afternoon, almost a month after little Claire was born.

My little girl's name was Claire. I knew I had to pay back Clara for her sacrifice. There was no better way to do just that than naming my child after my old friend.

On that Sunday afternoon, I woke up to Claire's crying. My eyes flashed open as I glanced over to the crib at the other side of the room, finding it empty. The door screeched open where I saw Mitch cradling our daughter in his arms.

"Is everything okay?" I mumbled, loud enough for Mitch to draw his attention to my location in the bed.

"Yup. Claire just needed her mommy." Mitch attempted to pass the baby off into my possession, which I would be unlikely to accomplish, considering I was still in bed.

"Let me wake up first. I thought it was something serious."

"Just letting you know... it's ten." My husband bit his lip, trying to pay more attention to Claire than my incoming anger.

I instantly sat up, staring blankly at Mitch. Ten AM was when we planned for the Team Crafted and friends reunion. I hadn't talked to Fia in what seemed like forever, and the others busied themselves with several weddings so we didn't have real time to sit down and talk. As I lifted myself out of bed, Mitch watched me travel to the closet, and pull out a white T-shirt and flared blue jeans with a pre-designed rip on the right knee. The corner of my eye spotted Mitch still in the room with the baby, and I raised my eyebrow once I realized he'd been staring at me the whole time.

"Will you give a girl some privacy?" I chuckled. "I need to change." As I leapt into the bathroom, turned on the light, and slowly closed the door, Mitch carried little Claire out of our bedroom room. I smiled, seeing Mitch being so fatherly already to our daughter.

Ten minutes later, I'd changed into my clothes, done minor makeup such as eyeliner and mascara, and slipped on fluffy light blue slippers. It took me faster to put on a fancy dress for the photo-shoot. I grabbed my iPhone and headed for the door. However I stopped and walked to my jewelry stand, taking out my Rachael necklace and clipping the silver so it stayed. I then hurried down the stairs and into the entertainment room, immediately meeting up with Mitch and taking Claire from his care.

"Ray! Hey!" Rouge shouted. She sat by Preston's side, his arm draped around her neck, leaning against his shoulder. I found it adorable for a couple like them. Each time I saw my brother and Rouge together, they looked cuter and cuter as a couple. I was happy for him. Preston deserved a girl like Rouge.

Living on a Few Dreams //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن