The Hijack Part 3

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Sorry for this chapter not being up yesterday when I told you it would. Writer's block for most of Saturday, wrote some that night, writer's block Sunday morning, and stayed up until 2 am finishing the chapter! Yay!

In summary, the Team Crafted event was amazing. You can PM me for details, nothing super duper special... except that I asked them a question during the QnA... If they could write a fanfic, what would it be about? Most of their answers... no surprises here... Merome. I guess my next mini-series will be on Merome! Less stress on me and more new content for you guys!

Oh yeah, and Mitch remembered my name when I saw him again after the show. I also got featured on the Team Crafted website. No big deal.

This is a long, action-packed chapter for you guys to enjoy! Over 2 thousand! Yeah!

Mitch POV

"There it is! We're finally here!" I whispered loud enough for the others to hear. My eyes lightened at the sight of the bus, knowing that my wife would be on it and I would be the one to save her. Preston spun around and hastily shushed me by placing his index finger to his lips, eyes wide open. Rouge rolled her eyes, paying absolutely no attention to either of us, including Preston, our mutual acquaintance. She leaned her back against the wall, constantly glancing down at her nails for an unknown reason.

Ray's brother never officially introduced me to Rouge until a few minutes before we encountered the tour bus, so I didn't know much about her. On that day she left her long dark brown hair with red streaks down, and wore gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt... which I didn't understand for such an important event... Preston only told me that they talked over the phone but had a common enemy. As much as I wanted to know who their enemy was, I nevertheless focused on Ray.

We obtained the information from a local news channel, whose helicopter spotted the bus, revealing its exact location. I lead the way by car, obviously the best with direction, since Preston didn't seem to know what he was doing. Eventually we ended up parking four street blocks away and sprinting to reach a clear view of the bus, peering around from behind a large faded glass building.

I couldn't see much detail from afar, but one girl caught my eye in particular. Mid-length brunette, common for a percentage of young women. Brown eyes, also common. But what struck me was the way the man in all black dealt with the girl individually instead of the others. That's how I knew this girl was Ray. And the man in all black... Draco Kehtarin.

"Oh my god," a voice spoke directly into my ear, causing me to jump. I instantly turned to Preston, who seemed shocked even more than me. He took no caution in checking his surroundings. Rouge, however, spun towards the voice like a bullet, staring at an innocent girl straight in the eyes. The girl jumped, sending light brown hair flying off her back.

"I'm sorry!" the girl whispered, "It's just that you're TheBajanCanadian and TBNRFrags."

Preston chuckled, trying to keep in his nervousness, "Of course we are."

"Excuse me miss, we have very important business..." I continued for my friend, but the girl interrupted.

"My name is Laurel. I'm usually not this hyper... I know how to get on that bus without being seen."

Rouge perked up, glaring away from her polished nails and at Laurel. She squinted her eyes, unsure of Laurel's motives. She took her question carefully yet simply. "How?"

"I was on the bus with Rachael and Clara... and the accomplice forgot to put the blindfold on me. There's an entrance in the back..." Laurel turned towards the bus and pointed around it, "The hard part is to not let those criminals see you coming."

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